[rt-devel] Listing.html question

Jesse Vincent jesse at bestpractical.com
Sun Feb 10 00:57:19 EST 2002

It's some fairly bogus code. It was the original prototype search listing. 
It draws from the %WebOptions hash in the config file.  It's slated to be
gutted for 2.2. 

When you see a data structure you don't understand in perl, Data::Dumper can 
often help you make sense of it.


On Sat, Feb 09, 2002 at 11:07:43PM -0600, Rob Walker wrote:
> I am looking at /usr/local/rt2/WebRT/html/Search/Listing.html , line 55 or so. 
> There is a 'foreach my $col ...' there.
> What are the values for $col as it iterates through this list?  I have been 
> trying things like "if ($col eq "id") {" and "take" and "Take" and "ID" and 
> "Id", with " and ' characters both.  I cannot get a match for the life of me.
> Rob
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