[rt-devel] WebUI 'Signatures' bug

Jan Okrouhly okrouhly at civ.zcu.cz
Wed Feb 13 13:13:07 EST 2002


I'm using 2.0.9 code branch, but I suppose the problem isn't
fixed/documented yet:
Due to buggy handling inside Users/Prefs.html & Admin/Modify.html
is possible to let exist some ending '\n's. Then they make some
unwanted comments/replies during pure 'Resolve' action...

The two .htmls above miss a 'chomp' at the Right place(TM). Does
exist some patch for that...?


Jan Okrouhly
---------------------------------------\-\-\+\-\-\---okrouhly at civ.zcu.cz---
Laboratory for Computer Science             |    phone: (420 19) 7491588
University of West Bohemia                  | location: Univerzitni 22
Americka 42, 306 14 Pilsen, Czech Republic  |     room: UI404
------------------------------------------73!-de-OK1INC at OK0PPL.#BOH.CZE.EU-

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