[rt-devel] [fsck.com #438] rt --limit-keyword=[!]<keyword_select>/<keyword>

Byron Ellacott bje at apnic.net
Mon Feb 25 21:12:45 EST 2002

Attached is a patch to enable limiting by keyword in the CLI.

Works by applying the limit to the most recently specified queue limit,

rt --summary --limit-queue=myqueue --limit-keyword=select/keyword

-------------- next part --------------
Index: rt
RCS file: /usr/local/cvs/fsck/rt2/bin/rt,v
retrieving revision
diff -c -4 -r1.1.1.1 rt
*** rt	2002/01/10 05:51:48
--- rt	2002/02/26 02:06:24
*** 53,60 ****
--- 53,61 ----
+      @limit_keyword,
*** 112,119 ****
--- 113,121 ----
  	   "limit-body=s",	\@limit_body,
  	   "limit-created=s" => \@limit_created,
  	   "limit-due=s" =>	\@limit_due,
   	   "limit-last-updated=s" => \@limit_lastupdated,
+ 	   "limit-keyword=s" => \@limit_keyword,
  	   "limit-member-of=s" => \@limit_memberof,
  	   "limit-has-member=s" => \@limit_hasmember,
  	   "limit-depended-on-by=s" => \@limit_dependedonby,
*** 189,196 ****
--- 191,199 ----
  	    starts is less than ends
+ 	  --limit-keyword=[!]<select>/<keyword>
*** 382,389 ****
--- 385,393 ----
      my $Tickets = new RT::Tickets($CurrentUser);
      # {{{ Limit our search
      my $value;			#to use when iterating through restrictions
+     my $queue_id;		#to use when limiting by keyword
      # {{{ limit on id
      foreach $value (@id) {
*** 441,450 ****
--- 445,486 ----
  	    $RT::Logger->debug ("Limiting queue to $op ".$queue_obj->Name);
  	    $Tickets->LimitQueue(VALUE => $queue_obj->Name,
  				 OPERATOR => $op);
+ 	    $queue_id=$queue_obj->id;
+     # {{{ limit on keyword
+     foreach $value (@limit_keyword) {
+ 	if ($value =~ /^(\W?)(.*?)\/(.*)$/i) {
+ 	    my $op = $1;
+ 	    my $select = $2;
+ 	    my $keyword = $3;
+ 	    $op = ParseBooleanOp($op);
+ 	    # load the keyword select
+ 	    my $keyselect = RT::KeywordSelect->new($RT::SystemUser);
+ 	    unless ($keyselect->LoadByName(Name=>$select, Queue=>$queue_id)) {
+ 		$RT::Logger->debug("KeywordSelect '$select' not found");
+ 		print STDERR "KeywordSelect '$select' not fount\n";
+ 		exit(-1);
+ 	    }
+ 	    # load the keyword
+ 	    my $k = RT::Keyword->new($RT::SystemUser);
+ 	    unless ($k->LoadByNameAndParentId($keyword, $keyselect->Keyword)) {
+ 		$RT::Logger->debug("Keyword '$keyword' not found");
+ 		print STDERR "Keyword '$keyword' not found\n";
+ 		exit(-1);
+ 	    }
+ 	    $Tickets->LimitKeyword(OPERATOR => $op,
+ 	                           KEYWORDSELECT => $keyselect->id,
+ 				   KEYWORD => $k->id);
+ 	    $RT::Logger->debug ("Limiting keyword to $op ".$k->Path);
+ 	}
+     }
      # }}}
      # {{{ limit on owner
      foreach $value (@limit_owner) {
  	if ($value =~ /^(\W?)(.*?)$/i) {

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