[rt-devel] Contrib: UpdateMessageId (RT2.0.x)

Jesse Vincent jesse at bestpractical.com
Wed Feb 27 17:04:00 EST 2002

On Wed, Feb 27, 2002 at 09:55:41PM +0100, Bruce Campbell wrote:
> Caution: You will need to allow write access to the MessageId field in the
> _ClassAccessible method of RT::Attachment .  You must know what you are
> doing to take this step, or have certif{ied/able} RT technicians standing
> by.
Nice. I'm pleased that Scrips seem to be working well as an extension mechanism :)
FWIW, you can use a trick like 

  $attachment->{'_AccessibleCache'}{'MessageId'} = { 'read'=>1, 'write'=>1 };
  to temporarily openup the attachment's message id for writing.


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