[rt-devel] RT 2.0.14-pre1

Jesse Vincent jesse at bestpractical.com
Mon Jul 1 14:50:59 EDT 2002

On Mon, Jul 01, 2002 at 02:44:16PM -0400, Vivek Khera wrote:
> The right way is to require sysexits.ph and then return &EX_TEMPFAIL
> on the temp failure.  On FreeBSD, the tempfail is 75.  Personally, I'd
> emit the error as a warn rather then print.

I'd take a patch to do this for 2.0.x _if_ it was inside of a conditional
with a config variable, since adding a dependency on sysexits.ph (which will
require users to much with h2ph) within the 2.0.x series makes me a bit 
uncomfortable, since I've seen lots of h2ph wackiness in the past.


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