[rt-devel] Confusing user interface in commandline rt

Dan Shearer dan at tellurian.com.au
Mon Jun 3 22:44:30 EDT 2002

On Mon, 3 Jun 2002, Rich Lafferty wrote:

> On Tue, Jun 04, 2002 at 09:48:15AM +0930, Dan Shearer (dan at tellurian.com.au) wrote:
> > 
> > On the other hand, anyone who habitually does things from the commandline
> > should be well enough informed to know that he should have an environment
> > variable set at all times for safety.
> The knowledge should spring forth from their head like Athena from
> Zeus's? That's just as broken as the current UI. "It's not a bad UI,
> because you should know how it works in advance." 
> Blaming the user for not understanding a bad UI on the user leaves you
> with a bad UI and an justifiably annoyed user. 

I suppose the question is which is likely to bite the most people. Those
that are trying to set up a gateway interface that "keeps hanging for
mysterious reasons" (which means they haven't spotted the log/error
message that says Shall I Delete [Y/N]") or those that run it in
commandmode and inadvertently do damage?

Dan Shearer
Open Source Manager
Mob: +61 411 49 1800
Tel: +61 8 8130 3104
dan at tellurian.com.au

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