[rt-devel] Add new SystemRights

rt-devel rt-devel at lists.netways.de
Thu May 16 21:22:02 EDT 2002


I tried to add an new system right, to choose whether a priviledged user can see the Config button or not. I added "SeeConfig" to %SYSTEMRIGHTS in lib/ACE.pm. The new right is now chooseable in the admin panel and is written to the DB with the correct parameters.

Afterwards I modified webrt/Elements/Tabs like:

   if ($session{'CurrentUser'}->HasSystemRight({ Right => 'SeeConfig' })){
     $toptabs->{D} = { title => 'Configuration', path => 'Admin/' };

Now, only SuperUsers can see the button, no normal users, which have the right "SeeConfig" granted. I uncommented all the logging options in sub HasSystemRight in User.pm, but RT did not log anything.

Does anybody hava an idea?



Julian Hein                   NETWAYS GmbH
Managing Director             Deutschherrnstr. 47a
Fon.0911/92885-0              D-90429 Nürnberg
jhein at netways.de              www.netways.de     

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