[rt-devel] malicious email vulnerabilty patch

Tony Aiuto tony at ics.com
Wed Nov 6 16:24:41 EST 2002

I was doing some security tests against RT because I'm getting
paranoid in my old age.  I noticed that it was easy to send HTML text
as attachements to RT.   This can be a bad thing if you use IE to get
to RT.   The two patches below are a quick hack to prevent the display of
an HTML attachement, depending on the setting of something in config.pm
Tarballs and zip files will be left alone, so they cause a save (rather
than display) when you press 'download'.

*** WebRT/html/Ticket/Attachment/dhandler    2002/11/06 21:02:00     1.1
--- WebRT/html/Ticket/Attachment/dhandler    2002/11/06 21:01:26
*** 20,25 ****
--- 20,30 ----
       my $content_type = $AttachmentObj->ContentType || 'text/plain';
+      if (! $RT::trustHTMLAttachements) {
+       if($content_type eq 'text/html') {
+           $content_type = 'text/plain';
+       }
+      }

*** etc/config.pm.dist      Mon Oct  7 23:25:22 2002
--- etc/config.pm   Thu Oct 31 13:35:58 2002
*** 405,410 ****
--- 408,419 ----
+ # if TrustHTMLAttachement is not defined, we will display them
+ # as text.  This prevents malicious HTML and javascript from being
+ # sent in a request (although there is probably more to it than that)
+ $TrustHTMLAttachments = undef;
  # }}}

Tony Aiuto

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