[rt-devel] Feature for 2.0.15: The Configuration menu is only displayed if the user has rights.

Tony Aiuto tony at ics.com
Thu Nov 21 10:36:41 EST 2002

>If you want the [Configuration]-Link be displayed only when the user has
>Change the <%INIT> Section of webrt/Elements/Tabs to:

What a coincidence, you beat me to it by minutes.  I was just about
to send my patch for the same feature.  Mine (I believe) makes it easier
to control who sees the link.

I add a right to the ACL system (and correct a spelling error along the way)

*** lib/RT/ACE.pm       2002/10/30 15:17:18     1.1
--- lib/RT/ACE.pm       2002/10/30 15:20:25
*** 75,85 ****
  # System rights are rights granted to the whole system
                  SuperUser => 'Do anything and everything',
!               AdminKeywords => 'Creatte, delete and modify keywords',  
                AdminGroups => 'Create, delete and modify groups',
                AdminUsers => 'Create, Delete and Modify users',
                ModifySelf => 'Modify one\'s own RT account',
  # }}}
--- 75,85 ----
  # System rights are rights granted to the whole system
                  SuperUser => 'Do anything and everything',
!               AdminKeywords => 'Create, delete and modify keywords',   
                AdminGroups => 'Create, delete and modify groups',
                AdminUsers => 'Create, Delete and Modify users',
                ModifySelf => 'Modify one\'s own RT account',
!               SeeConfiguration => 'See Configuration Tab',
  # }}}

Then I key off of that right

*** WebRT/html/Elements/Tabs    2002/10/29 15:35:50     1.1
--- WebRT/html/Elements/Tabs    2002/11/21 15:28:58
*** 98,115 ****
  my ($tab, $action);
! my $toptabs = {    A => { title => 'Home',
!                            path => '',
!                          },
!                     B => { title => 'Search',
!                         path => 'Search/Listing.html'
!                       },
!                     D => { title => 'Configuration',
!                            path => 'Admin/'
!                          }
!                  };
  my $topactions = {
        A => { html => $m->scomp('/Elements/CreateTicket')      
--- 98,115 ----
  my ($tab, $action);
! my $toptabs = {       A => { title => 'Home',
!                       path => '',
!                       },
!               B => { title => 'Search',
!                       path => 'Search/Listing.html'
!                       }
!       };
! if ($session{'CurrentUser'}->HasSystemRight('SeeConfiguration')) {
!       $toptabs->{'D'} = {     title => 'Configuration',
!                               path => 'Admin/'
!                               };
! }
  my $topactions = {
        A => { html => $m->scomp('/Elements/CreateTicket')      

Then I grant SeeConfiguration to the right groups or people.


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