[rt-devel] Feature Request + Solution: a description field

Warnke Andreas Andreas.Warnke at 3SOFT.de
Mon Nov 18 09:08:10 EST 2002

Hi folks,

The DB- and the Code- Design of RT2 is really great - but the look and
feel of the web-frontend might need the following improvement:

One major thing I was missing is a description-field for every ticket.
In contrast to the textarea when creating the ticket, this should be
changeable and displayed outside the history (as shown in the

The source-code is attached.

no change in the DB structure
only a few changes in the RT2 (2.0.15) codes

CLI and Email-Interface are not updated.

Have fun,

Andreas Warnke
3SOFT GmbH, Frauenweiherst. 14, 91058 Erlangen
Tel.: +49-9131-7701-274 mailto:Andreas.Warnke at 3SOFT.de
Fax: +49-9131-7701-333 http://www.3SOFT.de
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