[rt-devel] make initialize-database fails (MySQL server has gone away)

Sam Johnston samj at aos.net.au
Tue Nov 26 00:00:49 EST 2002

Afternoon all,

I am having troubles getting an RT3 database set up on my Debian 3.0 box
running MySQL 3.23.49 and rt-2-1-49, as follows:

make initialize-database
/usr/bin/perl //opt/rt3/sbin/initdb --action init --dba root
In order to create a new database and grant RT access to that database,
this script needs to connect to your mysql instance on localhost as root.
Please specify that user's database password below. If the user has no
password, just press return.

Password: Now creating a database for RT.
Creating mysql database rt3.
Now populating database schema.
Creating database schema.
schema sucessfully inserted
Now inserting database ACLs
DBD::mysql::st execute failed: MySQL server has gone away at
//opt/rt3/sbin/initdb line 224, <SCHEMA> line 397.
Problem with statement:
 USE mysql;
MySQL server has gone away at //opt/rt3/sbin/initdb line 225, <SCHEMA>
line 397.
make: *** [initialize-database] Error 255

It seems the tables are created:

| Tables_in_rt3           |
| ACL                     |
| Attachments             |
| CachedGroupMembers      |
| CustomFieldValues       |
| CustomFields            |
| GroupMembers            |
| Groups                  |
| Links                   |
| Principals              |
| Queues                  |
| ScripActions            |
| ScripConditions         |
| Scrips                  |
| Templates               |
| TicketCustomFieldValues |
| Tickets                 |
| Transactions            |
| Users                   |
| sessions                |

And this is the last I see in the mysql.log file:

CREATE TABLE CustomFieldValues (
  CustomField int NOT NULL  ,
  Name varchar(200) NULL  ,
  Description varchar(255) NULL  ,
  SortOrder integer NULL  ,

  Creator integer NULL  ,
  Created DATETIME NULL  ,
  LastUpdatedBy integer NULL  ,
  LastUpdated DATETIME NULL  ,

                    259 Query

CREATE TABLE sessions (
    id char(32) NOT NULL,
    a_session LONGTEXT,
    PRIMARY KEY (id)

                    259 Quit

Any assistance/suggestions would be most appreciated.

Sam Johnston
Australian Online Solutions
1300 132 809

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