[rt-devel] Feature: red-colored errors in the result-list for 2.0.15

Jesse Vincent jesse at bestpractical.com
Tue Nov 26 12:54:32 EST 2002

On Tue, Nov 26, 2002 at 09:42:45AM +0100, Warnke Andreas wrote:
> Hello,
> The following code is quite ugly - but the result is wonderful:
> The list of results now is sorted: Errors apper first and in red,
> Feedback for the expected behavior is listed later in black.

Very cute. I like it. Sadly, this won't interact well with RT 3's
internationalization. I've been pondering a way to get a similar effect,
while not breaking when the strings come up in non-English languages. 
I suspect that the "right" thing might be to replace all those
error/status strings with Class::ReturnValue objects, or something 
like them. That way we can fill them with metadata when we want to. ;)


> Best Regards
> Andi
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