[rt-devel] Status = ARRAY(0x89250f0)

Stanislav Sinyagin ssinyagin at yahoo.com
Fri Nov 29 07:49:07 EST 2002


I've just opened the ticket #1835 (unfortunately, no view permissions 
for guests) with this problem (see my posts to this list 
with the subject "2.1.39: frontpage search link failure".

It was FreeBSD 4.6.2, with latest Perl modules. 
What's your OS environment?

With regards, 

--- Sam Johnston <samj at aos.net.au> wrote:
> Just noticed that if I click on a queue I've created I see the following 
> in the Search Criteria box:
> Queue = queuename [delete] 
> <http://ticket.aos.net.au/Search/Listing.html?DeleteRestriction=1>
> Status = ARRAY(0x89250f0) [delete]

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