[rt-devel] 2.1.39: Makefile notes

Stanislav Sinyagin ssinyagin at yahoo.com
Fri Oct 11 07:35:58 EDT 2002

Hi all, 

There's a problem in Makefile which has to be handled in 
the future release:

First, it defines the config location:

CONFIG_FILE_PATH	=	/opt/rt3/etc

Then, it uses the configfile from TARGET directory to get the 

GETPARAM		=	$(PERL) -e'require "$(CONFIG_FILE)"; print $${$$RT::{$$ARGV[0]}};'
RT_PATH			=	`$(GETPARAM) "BasePath"`

And after that, it copies the configfile from SOURCE to TARGET:
	cp etc/RT_Config.pm $(DESTDIR)/$(CONFIG_FILE)

As a result, you have to have two identical files both in 
local etc/ and in target installation directories, in order to 
let "make install" finish correctly.

In addition, DB_DBA and DB_DBA_PASSWORD are taken from config file, 
though I believe it's not the proper place to keep that data. 

What about getting use of autoconf/automake? 
They work fine with perl programs. After I spent 2 days on them, 
they look pretty friendly to me. 
Here's the project where I successfully used them:

With regards, 

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