[rt-devel] Installation Problems (dependencies)

Forrest Stanley fstanley at netburner.com
Wed Sep 11 12:08:41 EDT 2002

I am having problems with the installation of RT 2-0-14 on Redhat 7.1 I 
followed the full install notes for redhat during the installation. After 
using make fixdeps, i still had some deps that were not installing. Here is 
the result of make testdeps:
]# make testdeps
/usr/bin/perl ./tools/testdeps -warn mysql
Checking for Digest::MD5...found
Checking for Storable...found
Checking for DBI 1.18 ...found
Checking for DBIx::DataSource 0.02 ...found
Checking for DBIx::SearchBuilder 0.48 ...found
Checking for HTML::Entities...found
Checking for MLDBM...found
Checking for Net::Domain...found
Checking for Net::SMTP...found
Checking for Params::Validate 0.02 ....Params::Validate 0.02  not installed.
Checking for HTML::Mason 1.02 ....HTML::Mason 1.02  not installed.
Checking for CGI::Cookie 1.20 ...found
Checking for Apache::Cookie....Apache::Cookie not installed.
Checking for Apache::Session 1.53 ...found
Checking for Date::Parse...found
Checking for Date::Format...found
Checking for MIME::Entity 5.108 ...found
Checking for Mail::Mailer 1.20 ...found
Checking for Getopt::Long 2.24 ...found
Checking for Tie::IxHash...found
Checking for Text::Wrapper...found
Checking for Text::Template...found
Checking for File::Spec 0.8 ...found
Checking for Errno...found
Checking for FreezeThaw...found
Checking for File::Temp...found
Checking for Log::Dispatch....Log::Dispatch not installed.
Checking for DBD::mysql 2.0416 ...found

When I check these installation using perl -MCPAN, these dependencies say 
that they are all up to date, yet the make testdeps does not find them. Any 
ideas why these are not listed as found?

thanks for the help,
Forrest Stanley

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