[rt-devel] Updated import tool

Jesse Vincent jesse at bestpractical.com
Thu Apr 3 17:54:59 EST 2003

Anyone who's been having issues with the import tool being too strict
about RT2 data should try the new import tool that's attached to this
message. It should be more forgiving of RT2.0 instances that have been  
toyed with through direct SQL manupulation.  Feedback is, of course, 

http://www.bestpractical.com/rt  -- Trouble Ticketing. Free.
-------------- next part --------------
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# (c) 1996-2003 Jesse Vincent <jesse at bestpractical.com>

# VERSION 1.8-test1

package RT;
use strict;

no warnings qw/redefine/;
$| = 1;

use Data::Dumper;
BEGIN { $RT::DontCacheSearchBuilderRecords = 1; }
use vars qw($dbh $debug %user_objects);
$debug = 0;

if ( $] < 5.007 ) {
    require Encode::compat;
use Encode;

use vars qw/$ENCODING $DIR/;

$ENCODING = "iso-8859-1";

my $import_global_metadata = 1;
my $import_users   = 1;
my $import_groups  = 1;
my $import_queues = 1;
my $import_tickets = 1;
my $import_links = 1;
use lib ( "/opt/rt3/lib");

use Getopt::Long;

use RT::Interface::CLI qw(CleanEnv GetCurrentUser GetMessageContent loc);
use RT::Tickets;
use RT::Template;
use RT::CustomFields;
use RT::Principals;

#*RT::Principal::HasRight = sub { 1 };;
#Clean out all the nasties from the environment

# Load the config file

#Connect to the database and get RT::SystemUser and RT::Nobody loaded

my $DIR = shift @ARGV || die "$0 requires that you specify a directory containing your RT2 dump";

require $DIR."/metadata";
my $VAR1 = Data();

my $user_map;
my $group_map;
my $queue_map;
my $cf_map;
my @errors;

if ( ExportType() eq 'incremental' ) {
    my $users = $VAR1->{'User'};
    foreach my $user ( @{$users} ) {
        my $obj = load_user( $user->{'Name'} );
        if ( ! $obj->Id  && $user->{'EmailAddress'}) {
            $obj = load_user( $user->{'EmailAddress'} );
        if ( $obj->Id ) {
            $user_map->{ $user->{'id'} } = $obj->id;
            delete $user->{'Name'};
            delete $user->{'EmailAddress'};
            delete $user->{'Privileged'};
            delete $user->{'id'};
            foreach my $field ( keys %$user ) {
                $obj->__Set( Field => $field, Value => $user->{$field} );

        else {

else {

foreach my $scrip ( @{ $VAR1->{'Global'}->{'Scrip'} } ) {
        import_scrip($scrip, 0 );

if ($import_users) {
    print "Importing users\n";
    my $users = $VAR1->{'User'};
    $RT::Handle->SimpleQuery("DELETE FROM Users where Name='root'");

    foreach my $user ( @{$users} ) {
        print "\n";

# find all groups
if ($import_groups) {
    print "Importing groups\n";
    my $groups = $VAR1->{'Group'};

    # foreach group
    foreach my $group ( @{$groups} ) {

        #         create group
        my $g      = RT::Group->new($RT::SystemUser);
        my $old_id = $group->{'id'};
        delete $group->{'id'};
        my $members = $group->{'Member'};
        delete $group->{'Member'};


        $g->CreateUserDefinedGroup( %{$group} );
        my $id = $g->Id();
        warn "Failed to create group for" . Dumper $groups->{$group}
          unless ($id);
        $group_map->{$old_id} = $id;

        #         import members

        foreach my $member ( @{$members} ) {
            warn "Now adding $member to group ".$g->Name;
            unless ($user_map->{$member}) {
                warn "Couldn't find user with RT2 userid ".$member. " - not adding to ".$g->Name;
            else {
                $g->AddMember( $user_map->{$member} );

if ($import_global_metadata) {

foreach my $right ( @{ $VAR1->{'Global'}->{'Right'} } ) {
    my $princ = RT::Principal->new($RT::SystemUser);
    my $id;
    if ( $right->{'PrincipalId'} ) {
        if ( $right->{'PrincipalType'} eq 'User' ) {
            $id = $user_map->{ $right->{'PrincipalId'} };
        else {
            $id = $group_map->{ $right->{'PrincipalId'} };

          || warn "Couldn't load principal $id to grant them "
          . $right->{'Name'}
          . " globally\n"
          . Dumper($right);
    elsif ( $right->{'Role'} ) {
        my $g = RT::Group->new($RT::SystemUser);
        $g->LoadSystemInternalGroup( $right->{'Role'} );
        unless ( $g->Id ) {
            $g->LoadSystemRoleGroup( $right->{'Role'} );
        $id    = $g->Id;
        $princ = $g->PrincipalObj;
          ||  warn "Couldn't load principal "
          . $g->Id
          . " to grant them "
          . $right->{'Name'}
          . " globally\n"
          . Dumper($right);
    $princ->GrantRight( Object => $RT::System,
                        Right  => $right->{'Name'} );

foreach my $cf ( @{ $VAR1->{'Global'}->{'CustomField'} } ) {
    my $type;
    my $cfobj = RT::CustomField->new($RT::SystemUser);
    if ( $cf->{'Single'} ) {
        $type = 'SelectSingle';
    else {
        $type = 'SelectMultiple';
    $cfobj->Create( Name => $cf->{'Name'}, Type => $type, Queue => '0', Disabled => ( $cf->{'Disabled'}|| 0) );
    unless ( $cfobj->Id ) {
        warn "Couldn't create custom field " . $cf->{'Name'};
    $cf_map->{ $cf->{'id'} } = $cfobj->Id;

    foreach my $val ( @{ $cf->{'Value'} } ) {
        $cfobj->AddValue( Name => $val );

# find all queues in RT 2.0

# for each queue
if ($import_queues) {
$RT::Handle->SimpleQuery("DELETE FROM Queues where id = 1");

my $queues = $VAR1->{'Queue'};

foreach my $queue ( @{$queues} ) {
    my %temp;
    foreach my $attr qw(id CustomField Watchers Scrip Right) {
        $temp{$attr} = $queue->{$attr};
        delete $queue->{$attr};
    my $queue_obj = RT::Queue->new($RT::SystemUser);
    $queue_obj->Create( %{$queue} );
    my $id = $queue_obj->Id();
    warn "Failed to create queue for" . Dumper $queue unless ($id);
    $queue_map->{ $temp{'id'} } = $id;

    foreach my $watcher ( @{ $temp{Watchers} } ) {
        $watcher->{'PrincipalId'} = $user_map->{$watcher->{'id'}};
        delete $watcher->{'id'};

    foreach my $right ( @{ $temp{'Right'} } ) {
        my $princ = RT::Principal->new($RT::SystemUser);
        my $id;
        if ( $right->{'PrincipalId'} ) {
            if ( $right->{'PrincipalType'} eq 'User' ) {
                $id = $user_map->{ $right->{'PrincipalId'} };
            else {
                $id = $group_map->{ $right->{'PrincipalId'} };

        elsif ( $right->{'Role'} ) {
            my $g = RT::Group->new($RT::SystemUser);
            $g->LoadQueueRoleGroup( Type  => $right->{'Role'},
                                    Queue => $queue_obj->Id );
            unless ( $g->Id ) {
                $g->LoadSystemInternalGroup( $right->{'Role'} );
            $id    = $g->Id;
            $princ = $g->PrincipalObj;
          || warn "Couldn't load principal $id to grant them "
          . $right->{'Name'}
          . " on queue "
          . $queue_obj->Name . "\n"
          . Dumper($right);
        $princ->GrantRight( Object => $queue_obj,
                            Right  => $right->{'Name'} );
    foreach my $cf ( @{ $temp{'CustomField'} } ) {
        my $type;
        my $cfobj = RT::CustomField->new($RT::SystemUser);
        if ( $cf->{'Single'} ) {
            $type = 'SelectSingle';
        else {
            $type = 'SelectMultiple';
        $cfobj->Create( Name  => $cf->{'Name'},
                        Type  => $type,
                        Disabled => ( $cf->{'Disabled'} || 0) ,
                        Queue => $queue_obj->Id );
        unless ( $cfobj->Id ) {
            warn "Couldn't create custom field " . $cf->{'Name'};
        $cf_map->{ $cf->{'id'} } = $cfobj->Id;
        foreach my $val ( @{ $cf->{'Value'} } ) {
            $cfobj->AddValue( Name => $val );
    foreach my $scrip ( @{ $temp{'Scrip'} } ) {
        import_scrip($scrip, $queue_obj->Id);


     import_tickets() if ($import_tickets) 


if ($import_links) {

     print "Importing links\n";
     foreach my $link ( @{ $VAR1->{'Link'} } ) {
    my $l = RT::Link->new($RT::SystemUser);

    $link->{'Base'}   =~ s#/(.*?)/ticket/#/ticket/#;
    $link->{'Target'} =~ s#/(.*?)/ticket/#/ticket/#;

    my ( $val, $msg ) = $l->Create(
                      Type   => $link->{'Type'},
                      Target => ( $link->{'LocalTarget'} || $link->{'Target'} ),
                      Base   => ( $link->{'LocalBase'} || $link->{'Base'} ) );
    unless ( $l->Id ) {
        if ( $link->{'LocalBase'} != $link->{'LocalTarget'} ) {
            push ( @errors, "Couldn't create link  from ". $link->{'Base'} ." to ".$link->{'Target'});

print join ( "\n", @errors );

sub encode_hashref {
    my $argsref = shift;

    foreach my $key ( keys %{$argsref} ) {
        if ( !ref( $argsref->{$key} ) ) {
            $argsref->{$key} = decode( $ENCODING, $argsref->{$key} );
        elsif ( ref( $argsref->{$key} ) eq 'ARRAY' ) {
            my @temp = @{ $argsref->{$key} };
            undef $argsref->{$key};
            foreach my $var (@temp) {
                print "Adding $var to the array\n";
                if ( ref($var) ) {

                    push ( @{ $argsref->{$key} }, $var );
                else {
                    push ( @{ $argsref->{$key} }, decode( $ENCODING, $var ) );
        else {
            die "What do I do with $key for $argsref. It is a "
              . ref( { $argsref->{$key} } );


sub import_scrip { 
        my $scrip = shift;
        my $queue = (shift || '0');

    my $so = RT::Scrip->new($RT::SystemUser);

    $scrip->{'Template'}  =~ s/(.)([A-Z])/$1 $2/g;
    $scrip->{'Condition'} =~ s/(.)([A-Z])/$1 $2/g;
    $scrip->{'Action'}    =~ s/(.)([A-Z])/$1 $2/g;
    $scrip->{'Action'}    =~ s/Admin Watchers/AdminCcs/;
    $scrip->{'Action'}    =~ s/Admin Ccs/AdminCcs/;
    $scrip->{'Action'}    =~ s/Requestor$/Requestors/;

    my %params = ( Template       => $scrip->{'Template'},
                   ScripAction    => $scrip->{'Action'},
                   ScripCondition => $scrip->{'Condition'},
                     Queue          => $queue,
                   Description    => "Imported from RT 2.0"

      #Notify All watchers is now two seperate scrips
     if ($params{'ScripAction'} =~ /^Notify All Watchers(.*)$/) {
                $params{'ScripAction'} = 'Notify Owner'.$1;
                my $ownerscrip = RT::Scrip->new($RT::SystemUser);


                unless ( $ownerscrip->Id ) {
                        use Data::Dumper;
                        push @errors, "Could not create scrip: " .$params{'ScripCondition'}." ".$params{'ScripAction'}." with template ".$params{'Template'} . " in queue". $params{'Queue'}. " -- ". Dumper(\%params);
                $params{'ScripAction'} = 'Notify Requestors, Ccs and AdminCcs'.$1;



    unless ( $so->Id ) {
                        push @errors, "Could not create scrip: " .$params{'ScripCondition'}." ".$params{'ScripAction'}." with template".$params{'Template'} . " in queue". $params{'Queue'};


sub load_user {
    my $user_id = shift;
    if ( exists $user_objects{$user_id} ) {
        return ( $user_objects{$user_id} );
    else {
        $user_objects{$user_id} = RT::User->new($RT::SystemUser);
        if ( $user_id =~ /@/ ) {
            $user_objects{$user_id}->LoadByCols( EmailAddress =>$user_id);
            unless ( $user_objects{$user_id}->id ) {
                $user_objects{$user_id}->LoadByCols(Name => $user_id);
            unless ( $user_objects{$user_id}->id ) {
                $user_objects{$user_id}->LoadByCols(id => $user_id);
        else {
            unless ( $user_objects{$user_id}->id ) {
                $user_objects{$user_id}->LoadByEmail($user_id) if ($user_id);

        #                unless ($user_objects{$user_id}->id) {
        #                  $user_objects{$user_id} = undef;
        #                }
        return ( $user_objects{$user_id} );

# {{{ import tickets
sub import_tickets {
    print "Importing tickets";    
    opendir (TOPDIR, $DIR) || die "Couldn't open $DIR";
    while (my $subdir = readdir(TOPDIR)) {
        next unless ($subdir =~ /^tickets-/i);
    opendir (DIR, $DIR."/".$subdir) || die "Couldn't open $subdir";
    while (my $file = readdir(DIR)) {
        print ".";
        next unless ($file =~ /^t-(\d+)$/);
        require "$DIR/$subdir/$file" || die "Couldn't read ticket file $file";
        my $ticket = Data();
        my %temp;

        if (ExportType() eq 'incremental') {
         my $id = $ticket->{'id'};
        my $t = RT::Ticket->new($RT::SystemUser);
        if ($t->Id) {
        # Blow away ticket watchers
        $RT::Handle->SimpleQuery("DELETE FROM Groups WHERE Domain = 'RT::Ticket-Role' AND INSTANCE = '$id'");
        # Blow away ticket attachments
        my $txns = $t->Transactions;
        while (my $txn  = $txns->Next) {
                my $att = $txn->Attachments();
                while (my $attach = $att->Next) {
                $RT::Handle->SimpleQuery("DELETE FROM Transactions WHERE id='".$txn->id."'");
        $RT::Handle->SimpleQuery("DELETE FROM CustomFieldValues WHERE Ticket = '$id'");
                $RT::Handle->SimpleQuery("DELETE FROM Tickets WHERE id = '$id'"); 
        my $tick_object = RT::Ticket->new($RT::SystemUser);

        $ticket->{'Status'} = 'deleted' if ( $ticket->{'Status'} eq 'dead' );

        $ticket->{'Owner'} = $user_map->{ $ticket->{'Owner'} };

        $ticket->{'Creator'}       = $user_map->{ $ticket->{'Creator'} };
        $ticket->{'LastUpdatedBy'} = $user_map->{ $ticket->{'LastUpdatedBy'} };

        $ticket->{'_RecordTransaction'} = 0;
        foreach my $attr qw(Watchers Transaction CustomFields) {
            $temp{$attr} = $ticket->{$attr};
            delete $ticket->{$attr};


        foreach my $watcher ( @{ $temp{'Watchers'} } ) {
            my $val;
            $val = $watcher->{'Email'};
            push ( @{ $ticket->{ $watcher->{'Type'} } }, $val );


        foreach my $cf ( keys %{ $temp{'CustomFields'} } ) {
            my $cfid = $cf_map->{$cf};
            $ticket->{ 'CustomField-' . $cfid } = $temp{'CustomFields'}->{$cf};


        $tick_object->Create( %{$ticket} );

        unless ( $tick_object->Id == $ticket->{id} ) {
            warn "Couldn't create ticket $ticket " . Dumper($ticket);

        #import ticket transactions
        foreach my $t ( @{ $temp{Transaction} } ) {

            $t->{'ActivateScrips'} = 0;
            if ( $t->{'Type'} eq 'Status' ) {
                if ( $t->{'NewValue'} eq 'dead' ) {
                    $t->{'NewValue'} = 'deleted';

                if ( $t->{'OldValue'} eq 'dead' ) {
                    $t->{'OldValue'} = 'deleted';

            if ( $t->{'Type'} =~ /^AddWatcher$/ ) {
                $t->{'NewValue'} ||= $RT::Nobody->Id;
                my $u = load_user ($t->{'NewValue'} ||'Nobody') ;
                unless ( $u->Id ) {

                    my $new_user = RT::User->new($RT::SystemUser);

                    my ( $Val, $Message ) = $new_user->Create(
                               Name         => $t->{'NewValue'},
                               EmailAddress => $t->{'NewValue'},
                               RealName     => $t->{'NewValue'},
                               Privileged   => 0,
                               Comments => 'Autocreated when added as a watcher'
                    unless ($Val) {
                        $RT::Logger->error( "Failed to create user "
                                            . $t->{'NewValue'} . ": "
                                            . $Message );

                $t->{'NewValue'} = $u->Id;

            if ( $t->{'Type'} =~ /^DelWatcher$/ ) {
                my $u= load_user( $t->{'OldValue'} || 'Nobody' );
                unless ( $u->Id ) {

                    my $new_user = RT::User->new($RT::SystemUser);

                    my ( $Val, $Message ) = $new_user->Create(
                               Name         => $t->{'OldValue'},
                               EmailAddress => $t->{'OldValue'},
                               RealName     => $t->{'OldValue'},
                               Privileged   => 0,
                               Comments => 'Autocreated when added as a watcher'
                    unless ($Val) {
                        $RT::Logger->error( "Failed to create user '" . $t->{'OldValue'} . "': " . $Message );

                    $u = load_user( $new_user->Id );
                $t->{'OldValue'} = $u->Id;

             if ($t->{'Type'} eq 'Set' and $t->{'Field'} eq 'Queue') {
                        $t->{'OldValue'} = $queue_map->{$t->{'OldValue'}};
                        $t->{'NewValue'} = $queue_map->{$t->{'NewValue'}};


            if ( $t->{'Type'} =~ /^(Force|Give|Take|Untake)$/ ) {
                $t->{'OldValue'} = $user_map->{ $t->{OldValue} } || $RT::Nobody;
                $t->{'NewValue'} = $user_map->{ $t->{NewValue} } || $RT::Nobody;

            my $trans_obj = RT::Transaction->new($RT::SystemUser);
            $t->{'Creator'} = $user_map->{ $t->{'Creator'} };
            my $attach = $t->{'Attachment'};
            delete $t->{'Attachment'};

            $trans_obj->Create( %{$t} );
            unless ( $trans_obj->Id == $t->{'id'} ) {
                warn "Couldn't create trans  " . $t->{'id'} . " " . Dumper($t);

            foreach my $a ( @{$attach} ) {
                if ( $a->{ContentType} =~ '^text/' ) {
                my $att = RT::Attachment->new($RT::SystemUser);
                $att->Import( %{$a} );
                unless ( $att->Id ) {
                    warn "Couldn't create attachment $a " . Dumper($a);



# }}}
# {{{ import_user
sub import_user {
        my $user = shift;

        $user->{'Name'} = "Unnamed user ".$user->{'id'} unless ($user->{'Name'});
        if ( $user->{'Name'} eq 'Nobody' ) {
            $user_map->{ $user->{'id'} } = $RT::Nobody->Id;

        if ( $user->{'Name'} eq 'RT_System' ) {
            $user_map->{ $user->{'id'} } = $RT::SystemUser->Id;
        #         import user
        my $user_obj = RT::User->new($RT::SystemUser);
        delete $user->{'Disabled'};
        my $old_id = $user->{'id'};
        delete $user->{'id'};
        $user->{'CryptedPassword'} = $user->{'Password'}
          unless ( $user->{'Password'} =~ '^\*' );
        delete $user->{'Password'};
        print ".";
        $user_obj = load_user($user->{'EmailAddress'} || $user->{'Name'});
        unless ($user_obj->Id) {
        my ($uid, $umsg) = $user_obj->Create( %{$user} );
        my $id = $user_obj->Id();
        warn "Failed to create user for" . scalar Dumper $user unless ($id);
        $user_map->{$old_id} = $id;
# }}}

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