[rt-devel] Few notes for 3.0 Documentation

Vivek Khera khera at kcilink.com
Thu Apr 10 11:13:17 EDT 2003

>>>>> "SS" == Stanislav Sinyagin <ssinyagin at yahoo.com> writes:

SS> 1). Make sure your LD_LIBRARY_PATH contains MySQL libraries path.
SS> Otherwise the installation scripts (and the Apache daemon) will 
SS> not find them. 

that's what ldconfig is for -- make your libs available system wide.

SS> 2). If you're going to use RT interface on an SSL server, 
SS> install Crypt::SSLeay or IO::Socket::SSL Perl module before 
SS> installing LWP::UserAgent.

This is not necessary. yOu can install the SSL modules at anytime and
they will be used.

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