[rt-devel] Patches for canonicalizing Emailadresses in all contexts (was Re: [rt-users] Problems with CanonicalizeEmailAddress in RT3)

Michael van Elst mlelstv at dev.de.cw.net
Thu Apr 24 04:33:41 EDT 2003

On Thu, Apr 24, 2003, Dirk Pape wrote:

> 2. creating a new User (User->Create), e.g. when receiving a request from a 
> new Email

I believe there is a deeper problem.

- lib/RT/EmailParser contains correct code that canonicalizes the address
  before looking up the current user.

- lib/RT/Interface/Email uses EmailParser

- lib/RT/Interface/Email/Auth/MailFrom does not, instead it contains
  its own version of GetCurrentUser().

I guess that MailFrom contains legacy code that was put into the
EmailParser module, but MailFrom hasn't been rewritten to simply
use EmailParser.

    ,eM""=.            a"-.                         Michael van Elst
   dWWMWM" -          :GM==;                        mlelstv at dev.de.cw.net
  :WWMWMw=--.          "W='  cable & wireless
    "-Wmw-"  CABLE & WIRELESS

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