[rt-devel] Rights revoke on queue level

Guillaume Perréal perreal at lyon.cemagref.fr
Fri Aug 1 06:55:26 EDT 2003

Stanislav Sinyagin a écrit :

>There also needs to be a conflict resolution mechanism: 
>User X belongs to groups G1 and G2. In G1 or its parents, the required privilege 
>is granted, but in G2 it's revoked. 
In this case, we could look at how G1 and G2 privileges are related to 
the object. For example, if G1 rights on a ticket were globally assigned 
and G2 ones were assigned at queue level, G2 revocation had highest 
precedence and thus should be applied... In the reverse case, G1 grant 
would have highest precedence.

I think all this really needs to be cached...

Guillaume Perréal.

Responsable informatique,
Cemagref, groupement de Lyon,

Tél: (+33)
Fax: (+33)
Site: http://www.lyon.cemagref.fr/

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