[rt-devel] Re: [rt-users] XML4RT3 - XML Interface for RT3

Ruslan U. Zakirov cubic at acronis.ru
Fri Aug 1 12:01:36 EDT 2003

I think it' would be good to look at MS Poject xml format.
One major feature that we need it's a some integration of RT and MSProject.
I don't look at this problem yet, but only know that MSProject could 
export and import data within xml documents defined by some DTD that I 
don't see yet too.
                Good luck with your exam.
Benjamin Boksa wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> Hi Martin,
>> Good luck with your exam :-)
> Thanks a lot :-)
>> As for RT, be careful not to duplicate work. I know Jesse has done 
>> some work on a SOAP interface already. You can look at it on 
>> http://www.fsck.com/pub/rt/devel/rt-soap-server-0.1.tar.gz and search 
>> through the list archives for some discussion on RT and SOAP.
> I looked at the SOAP Interface before starting to work and I think  I 
> don't will duplicate work. I hope to get out a very very beta preview 
> release by the end of next week to show you my idea.
> So if you have anything you would like to see I would like to hear 
> about it in the meantime.
> ( Back to the papers  :-( ),

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