[rt-devel] need help to write a searchbuilder query for RT 3
Michael van Elst
mlelstv at dev.de.cw.net
Mon Aug 18 10:28:07 EDT 2003
On Mon, Aug 18, 2003, Dirk Pape wrote:
> >given a User, I want to have a list of all tickets, which have no owner
> >and are in a queue, where the given user has Right "OwnTicket".
> >
> >Since this needs Limit and Join, this will hopefully help me to
> >understand the systematics to invent further searches by by own.
There are two issues.
- Joining requires knowledge of the database structure as the RT Classes
do not support joins.
- Evaluating a right requires more than a table join, I doubt that you
can create a single database query to evaluate a right. But maybe
Jesse knows some magic trick :)
So I suggest to do one database query to find all tickets that belong
to a given queue and that have no owner (== are owned by the Nobody user).
Then, for each ticket you check if the given user has the right to own
the ticket.
Here is an example script:
use RT;
use RT::User;
use RT::Queue;
use RT::Tickets;
# hiding in dark places
$RT::LogDir = '/tmp';
$RT::LogToFileNamed = '/dev/null';
# operate as superuser
my $cuser = $RT::SystemUser;
# create a user object and load it with data for the given user name
my $nuser = new RT::User($cuser);
# create a queue object and load it with data for the given queue name
my $q = new RT::Queue($cuser);
# create tickets collection object
my $ts = new RT::Tickets($cuser);
# select tickets that belong to nobody and belong to the given queue
$ts->LimitOwner( VALUE => $RT::Nobody->Id );
$ts->LimitQueue( VALUE => $q->Id );
# fetch results
my $items = $ts->ItemsArrayRef || [];
foreach my $t (@$items) {
# verify ticket rights
if ($t->HasRight( Principal => $nuser,
Right => 'OwnTicket' )) {
print $t->Id," YEAH\n";
} else {
print $t->Id," NEY\n";
,eM""=. a"-. Michael van Elst
dWWMWM" - :GM==; mlelstv at dev.de.cw.net
:WWMWMw=--. "W=' cable & wireless
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