[rt-devel] Statistics web page is EMPTY
matthew zeier
mrz at intelenet.net
Fri Aug 29 13:25:52 EDT 2003
Many have reported the same problem but as of yet there hasn't been any
----- Original Message -----
From: "RT" <RT at InterCept.Net>
To: <rt-devel at lists.fsck.com>
Cc: "Ruslan U. Zakirov" <cubic at acronis.ru>
Sent: Friday, August 29, 2003 10:16 AM
Subject: RE: [rt-devel] Statistics web page is EMPTY
I have that page coming, what I don't have is the graphs
Any thoughts?
-----Original Message-----
From: Ruslan U. Zakirov [mailto:cubic at acronis.ru]
Posted At: Friday, August 29, 2003 3:09 AM
Posted To: RT
Conversation: [rt-devel] Statistics web page is EMPTY
Subject: Re: [rt-devel] Statistics web page is EMPTY
You have to add this
M => { title => loc('Statistics'),
path => 'Statistics/index.html'
in your
RT wrote:
>We get the same thing on 2 different servers running rt 3.0.4 and
>I have an earlier post in here, but received no response back yet
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Asif Iqbal [mailto:iqbala at qwestip.net]
>Posted At: Thursday, August 28, 2003 3:41 PM
>Posted To: RT
>Conversation: [rt-devel] Statistics web page is EMPTY
>Subject: [rt-devel] Statistics web page is EMPTY
>I have RT-3-0-5pre4 with Apche 1.3.27 and modperl1 on perl 5.8. I
>downloaded the
>Statistics.tar from contrib folder on ver 3 , to my /opt/rt3/local/html
>Then after untar I called the http://host.domain/Statistics/index.html
>and I
>don't see anything except the empty page with Statics as the Elements
>header and
>the left column of the default RT3's webpage. Here is the source code
>page that I am looking at
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>»|« RT 3.0.5pre4 from <a
>Practical Solutions, LLC</a>.
>What am I doing wrong ? Please help
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