[rt-devel] Pg script create failure

James O'Kane jo2y at midnightlinux.com
Thu Dec 18 02:57:22 EST 2003

I'm doing a new install of rt-3-0-7_01 using psql (PostgreSQL) 7.3.4-RH 
(ie. the version provided by Red Hat) and I get these errors during 
make initialize-database

Creating templates...
Creating scrips...1.(Error: Action AutoReply To Requestors not found)
2.3.(Error: Action Notify Requestors And Ccs not found)
4.(Error: Action Notify AdminCcs As Comment not found)
(Error: Action Notify Other Recipients As Comment not found)

I tracked it down to a capitalization problem in initialdata. That file 
hasn't changed in 3-0-8rc1, so I assume it's still a problem. Attached is 
a patch that fixes things for me.


-------------- next part --------------
--- ../../rt-3-0-8rc1/etc/initialdata	2003-12-17 14:13:55.000000000 -0500
+++ initialdata	2003-12-18 02:57:42.000000000 -0500
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@
 @ScripActions = (
-    {  Name        => 'Autoreply To Requestors',    # loc
+    {  Name        => 'AutoReply To Requestors',    # loc
        Description =>
 'Always sends a message to the requestors independent of message sender' ,                                            # loc
        ExecModule => 'Autoreply',
@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@
       Description => 'Sends mail to the owner',              # loc
       ExecModule  => 'Notify',
       Argument    => 'Owner' },
-    { Name        => 'Notify AdminCcs as Comment',                        # loc
+    { Name        => 'Notify AdminCcs As Comment',                        # loc
       Description => 'Sends mail to the administrative Ccs as a comment', # loc
       ExecModule  => 'NotifyAsComment',
       Argument    => 'AdminCc' },
@@ -95,12 +95,12 @@
       ExecModule  => 'Notify',
       Argument    => 'AdminCc' },
-    { Name        => 'Notify Requestors and Ccs as Comment',              # loc
+    { Name        => 'Notify Requestors And Ccs as Comment',              # loc
       Description => 'Send mail to requestors and Ccs as a comment',      # loc
       ExecModule  => 'NotifyAsComment',
       Argument    => 'Requestor,Cc' },
-    { Name        => 'Notify Requestors and Ccs',                         # loc
+    { Name        => 'Notify Requestors And Ccs',                         # loc
       Description => 'Send mail to requestors and Ccs',                   # loc
       ExecModule  => 'Notify',
       Argument    => 'Requestor,Cc' },
@@ -113,7 +113,7 @@
       Description => 'Send mail to all watchers',                         # loc
       ExecModule  => 'Notify',
       Argument    => 'All' },
-    { Name        => 'Notify Other Recipients as Comment',                # loc
+    { Name        => 'Notify Other Recipients As Comment',                # loc
       Description => 'Sends mail to explicitly listed Ccs and Bccs',      # loc
       ExecModule  => 'NotifyAsComment',
       Argument    => 'OtherRecipients' },
@@ -203,7 +203,7 @@
       Description => 'A blank template',                                  # loc
       Content     => '', },
     {  Queue       => '0',
-       Name        => 'Autoreply',                                         # loc
+       Name        => 'AutoReply',                                         # loc
        Description => 'Default Autoresponse template',                     # loc
        Content     => 'Subject: AutoReply: {$Ticket->Subject}

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