[rt-devel] Styleguide

Jesse Vincent jesse at bestpractical.com
Thu Feb 6 00:16:59 EST 2003

Attached is the New RT Style Guide, based significantly on the Slashcode
style guide.  Nothing in it is cast as a hard and fast rule yet, but it
may give you a good feel for how to write code that quacks like RT

»|« http://www.bestpractical.com/rt  -- Trouble Ticketing. Free.
-------------- next part --------------
#!perl -w
# run this document through perl to check its syntax
use Pod::Checker;

=head1 NAME

rtstyleguide - RT Style Guide


All code and documentation that is submitted to be included in the RT
distribution should follow the style in this document.  This is not to
try to stifle your creativity, but to make life easier for everybody who
has to work with your code, and to aid those who are not quite sure how
to do something.

These conventions below apply to perl modules, web programs, and
command-line programs, specifically, but also might apply to some
degree to any Perl code written for use in RT.

Note that these are all guidelines, not unbreakable rules.  If you have
a really good need to break one of the rules herein, however, then it is
best to ask on the B<rt-devel> mailing list first.

Note that with much of this document, it is not so much the Right Way as
it is Our Way.  We need to have conventions in order to make life easier
for everyone.  So don't gripe, and just follow it, because you didn't
get a good grade in "Plays Well With Others" in kindergarten and you
want to make up for it now.

If you have any questions, please ask us on the B<rt-devel> mailing list:


We don't always follow this guide.  We are making changes throughout
our code to be in line with it.  But just because we didn't do
it yet, that is no excuse.  Do it anyway.  :-)

This document is subject to change at the whims of the core RT team.
We hope to add any significant changes at the bottom of the document.


=head2 Perl Version

We code everything to perl 5.6.1. Some features require advanced unicode
features in perl 5.8.0. It is acceptable that unicode features work only for 
US-ASCII on perl 5.6.1. 

=head2 Documentation

All modules will be documented using the POD examples in the module
boilerplate.  The function, purpose, use of the module will be
explained, and each public API will be documented with name,
description, inputs, outputs, side effects, etc.

If an array or hash reference is returned, document the size of the
array (including what each element is, as appropriate) and name each key
in the hash.  For complex data structures, map out the structure as
appropriate (e.g., name each field returned for each column from a DB
call; yes, this means you shouldn't use "SELECT *", which you shouldn't
use anyway).

Also document what kind of data returned values are.  Is it an integer,
a block of HTML, a boolean?

All command-line program options will be documented using the
boilerplate code for command-line programs, which doesn't yet exist.
Each available function, switch, etc. should be documented, along
with a statement of function, purpose, use of the program.  Do not
use the same options as another program, for a different purpose.

All web templates should be documented with a statement of function,
purpose, and use in a mason comment block.

Any external documents, and documentation for command-line programs and
modules, should be written in POD, where appropriate. From there, they
can be translated to many formats with the various pod2* translators. 
Read the perlpod manpage before writing any POD, because although POD is
not difficult, it is not what most people are used to.  It is not a
regular markup language; it is just a way to make easy documentation
for translating to other formats.  Read, and understand, the perlpod
manpage, and ask us or someone else who knows if you have any questions.

=head2 Version

Our distribution versions use tuples, where the first number is the
major revision, the second number is the version, and third
number is the subversion.  Odd-numbered versions are development
versions.  Examples:

	1.0.0		First release of RT 1
	1.0.1		Second release of RT 1.0
	1.0.10		etc.
	1.1.0		First development release of RT 1.2 (or 2.0)
	2.0.0		First release of RT 2

Versions can be modified with a hyphen followed by some text, for
special versions, or to give extra information.  Examples:

	2.0.0-pre1	Notes that this is not final, but preview

In perl 5.6.0, you can have versions like C<v2.0.0>, but this is not
allowed in previous versions of perl.  So to convert a tuple version
string to a string to use with $VERSION, use a regular integer for
the revision, and three digits for version and subversion.  Examples:

	1.1.6	->	1.001006
	2.0.0	->	2.000000

This way, perl can use the version strings in greater-than and
less-than comparisons.

=head2 Comments

All code should be self-documenting as much as possible.  Only include
necessary comments.  Use names like "$ticket_count", so you don't need to
do something like:

	# ticket count
	my $tc = 0;

Include any comments that are, or might be, necessary in order for
someone else to understand the code.  Sometimes a simple one-line
comment is good to explain what the purpose of the following code is
for.  Sometimes each line needs to be commented because of a complex
algorithm.  Read Kernighan & Pike's I<Practice of Programming> about
commenting.  Good stuff, Maynard.

=head2 Warnings and Strict

All code must compile and run cleanly with "use strict" enabled and the
perl "-w" (warnings) option on.  If you must do something that -w or
strict complains about, there are workarounds, but the chances that you
really need to do it that way are remote.

=head2 Lexical Warnings

C<use warnings> is more warningful than -w.                                     
If you need to disable one,  you can explicitly do:                             
    { no warnings 'something';                                                  

=head2 Lexical Variables

Use only lexical variables, except for special global variables
($VERSION, %ENV, @ISA, $!, etc.) or very special circumstances (see
%HTML::Mason::Commands::session ).  Global variables
for regular use are never appropriate.  When necessary, "declare"
globals with "use vars" or, preferably "our()". (RT's codebase is now 5.6 
or higher, so "our" is safe)

A lexical variable is created with my().  A global variable is
pre-existing (if it is a special variable), or it pops into existence
when it is used.  local() is used to tell perl to assign a temporary
value to a variable.  This should only be used with special variables,
like $/, or in special circumstances.  If you must assign to any global
variable, consider whether or not you should use local().

local() may also be used on elements of arrays and hashes, though there
is seldom a need to do it, and you shouldn't.

=head2 Exporting

Do not export anything from a module by default.  Feel free to put
anything you want to in @EXPORT_OK, so users of your modules can
explicitly ask for symbols (e.g., "use Something::Something qw(getFoo
setFoo)"), but do not export them by default.

=head2 Pass by Reference

Arrays and hashes should be passed to and from functions by reference
only.  Note that a list and an array are NOT the same thing.  This
is perfectly fine:

	return($user, $form, $constants);

An exception might be a temporary array of discrete arguments:

	my @return = ($user, $form);
	push @return, $constants if $flag;
	return @return;

Although, usually, this is better (faster, easier to read, etc.):

	if ($flag) {
		return($user, $form, $constants);
	} else {
		return($user, $form);

We need to talk about Class::ReturnValue here.

=head2 Garbage Collection

Perl does pretty good garbage collection for you.  It will automatically
clean up lexical variables that have gone out of scope and objects whose
references have gone away.  Normally you don't need to worry about
cleaning up after yourself, if using lexicals.

However, some glue code, code compiled in C and linked to Perl, might
not automatically clean up for you.  In such cases, clean up for
yourself.  If there is a method in that glue to dispose or destruct,
then use it as appropriate.

Also, if you have a long-running function that has a large data
structure in it, it is polite to free up the memory as soon as you are
done with it, if possible.

	my $huge_data_structure = get_huge_data_structure();
	undef $huge_data_structure;

=head2 DESTROY

All object classes must provide a DESTROY method.  If it won't do
anything, provide it anyway:

	sub DESTROY { }

=head2 die() and exit()

Don't do it.  Do not die() or exit() from a web template or module.  Do
not call C<kill 9, $$>.  Don't do it.

In command-line programs, do as you please.

=head2 shift and @_

Do not use @_.  Use shift.  shift may take more lines, but Jesse thinks it 
leads to cleaner code.

	my $var = shift;			# right
	my($var) = @_;				# ick. no
	sub foo { uc $_[0] }			# icky. sometimes ok.

	my($var1, $var2) = (shift, shift);	# Um, no.

        my $var1 = shift;                       # right
        my $var2 = shift;                       

=head2 Tests

Modules should provide test code, with documentation on how to use
it. Test::Inline allows tests to be embedded in code. Test::More makes it 
easy to create tests. Any code you write should have a testsuite.
Any code you alter should have a test suite. If a patch comes in without
tests, there is something wrong.

When altering code, you must run the test harness before submitting a patch
or committing code to the repository. 

"make regression" will extract inline tests, blow away the system database
and run the test suite.

"make regression-quiet" will do all that and not print the "ok" lines.


Always report errors using $RT::Logger. It's a Log::Dispatch object.
Unlike message meant for the user, log messages are not to be

There are several different levels ($RT::Logger methods) of logging:

=over 4

=item debug

Used for messages only needed during system debugging.

=item info

Should be used to describe "system-critical" events which aren't errors.
Examples: creating users, deleting users, creating tickets, creating queues,
sending email (message id, time, recipients), recieving mail, changing
passwords, changing access control, superuser logins)

=item error

Used for RT-generated failures during execution.

=item crit

Should be used for messages when an action can not be completed due to some
error condition beyond our control.


In the web UI and modules, never print directly to STDERR.  Do not print
directly to STDOUT, unless you need to print directly to the user's console.

In command-line programs, feel free to print to STDERR and STDOUT as
needed for direct console communication. But for actual error reporting,
use the logging API.

=head2 System Calls

Always check return values from system calls, including open(),
close(), mkdir(), or anything else that talks directly to the system. 
Perl built-in system calls return the error in $!; some functions in
modules might return an error in $@ or some other way, so read the module's
documentation if you don't know.  Always do something, even if it is
just calling $RT::Logger->warning(), when the return value is not what you'd expect.

=head1 STYLE

Much of the style section is taken from the perlsyle manpage.  We make
some changes to it here, but it wouldn't be a bad idea to read that
document, too.

=head2 Terminology

=over 4

=item RT the name

"RT" is the name of the project.  "RT" is, optionally, the
specific name for the actual file distribution.  That's it. 

While we sometimes use "RT2" or "RT3", that's shortand that's really
not recommended. The name of the project is "RT".

To specify a major version, use "RT 3.0".
To specify a specific release, use "RT 3.0.12"

=item function vs. sub(routine) vs. method

Just because it is the Perl Way (not necessarily right for all
languages, but the documented terminology in the perl documentation),
"method" should be used only to refer to a subroutine that are object
methods or class methods; that is, these are functions that are used
with OOP that always take either an object or a class as the first
argument. Regular subroutines, ones that are not object or class
methods, are functions.  Class methods that create and return an object
are optionally called constructors.

=item Users

"users" are normally users of RT, the ones hitting the site; if using
it in any other context, specify.  
"system users" are user
names on the operating system.  "database users" are the user names in
the database server.  None of these needs to be capitalized.


=head2 Names

Don't use single-character variables, except as iterator variables.

Don't use two-character variables just to spite us over the above rule.

Constants are in all caps; these are variables whose value will I<never>
change during the course of the program.

	$Minimum = 10;		# wrong
	$MAXIMUM = 50;		# right

Other variables are lowercase, with underscores separating the words. 
They words used should, in general, form a noun (usually singular),
unless the variable is a flag used to denote some action that should be
taken, in which case they should be verbs (or gerunds, as appropriate)
describing that action.

	$thisVar      = 'foo';	# wrong
	$this_var     = 'foo';	# right
	$work_hard    = 1;	# right, verb, boolean flag
	$running_fast = 0;	# right, gerund, boolean flag

Arrays and hashes should be plural nouns, whether as regular arrays and
hashes or array and hash references.  Do not name references with "ref"
or the data type in the name.

	@stories     = (1, 2, 3);      # right
	$comment_ref = [4, 5, 6];      # wrong
	$comments    = [4, 5, 6];      # right
	$comment     = $comments->[0]; # right

Make the name descriptive.  Don't use variables like "$sc" when you
could call it "$story_count".  See L<"Comments">.

There are several variables in RT that are used throughout the code,
that you should use in your code.  Do not use these variable names for
anything other than how they are normally used, and do not use any
other variable names in their place.  Some of these are:

	$self		# first named argument in object method

Subroutines (except for special cases, like AUTOLOAD and simple accessors)
begin with a verb, with words following to complete the action.  Accessors
don't start with "Get" if they're just the name of the attribute.

Accessors which return an object should end with the suffix Obj.

This section needs clarification for RT.

Words begin with a capital letter.  They
should as clearly as possible describe the activity to be peformed, and
the data to be returned. 

	Load();		# good
	LoadByName();	# good
	LoadById();		# good

Subroutines beginning with C<_> are special: they are not to be used
outside the current object.  There is not to be enforced by the code
itself, but by someone very big and very scary.

For large for() loops, do not use $_, but name the variable.
Do not use $_ (or assume it) except for when it is absolutely
clear what is going on, or when it is required (such as with
map() and grep()).

	for (@list) {
		print;			# OK; everyone knows this one
		print uc;		# wrong; few people know this
		print uc $_;		# better

Note that the special variable C<_> I<should> be used when possible.
It is a placeholder that can be passed to stat() and the file test
operators, that saves perl a trip to re-stat the file.  In the
example below, using C<$file> over for each file test, instead of
C<_> for subsequent uses, is a performance hit.  You should be
careful that the last-tested file is what you think it is, though.

	if (-d $file) {		# $file is a directory
		# ...
	} elsif (-l _) {	# $file is a symlink
		# ...

Package names begin with a capital letter in each word, followed by
lower case letters (for the most part).  Multiple words should be StudlyCapped.

	RT::User			# good
	RT::Database::MySQL		# proper name
	RT::Display::Provider	        # good
	RT::CustomField			# not so good, but OK

Plugin modules should begin with "RTx::", followed by the name
of the plugin.  

=head1 Code formatting

Use perltidy. Anything we say here is wrong if it conflicts with what
perltidy does. Your perltidyrc should read:

-lp -vt=2 -vtc=2 -nsfs -bar                                                                                             

=head2 Indents and Blank Space

All indents should be 4 spaces. If you find tabs, convert them to 
4 spaces.

No space before a semicolon that closes a statement.

	foo(@bar) ;	# wrong
	foo(@bar);	# right

Line up corresponding items vertically.

	my $foo   = 1;
	my $bar   = 2;
	my $xyzzy = 3;

	open(FILE, $fh)	  or die $!;
	open(FILE2, $fh2) or die $!;

	$rot13 =~ tr[abcedfghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz]

	# note we use a-mn-z instead of a-z,
	# for readability
	$rot13 =~ tr[a-mn-z]

Put blank lines between groups of code that do different things.  Put
blank lines after your variable declarations.  Put a blank line before a
final return() statement.  Put a blank line following a block (and
before, with the exception of comment lines).

An example:

	# this is my function!
	sub foo {
                my $val = shift;
		my $obj = new Constructor;
		my($var1, $var2);

		$var1 = $obj->Foo();


	print 1;

=head2 Parentheses

For control structures, there is a space between the keyword and opening
parenthesis.  For functions, there is not.

	for(@list)	# wrong
	for (@list)	# right

	my ($ref)	# wrong
	my($ref)	# right

Be careful about list vs. scalar context with parentheses!

	my @array = ('a', 'b', 'c');
	my($first_element) = @array;		# a
	my($first_element) = ('a', 'b', 'c');	# a
	my $element_count  = @array;		# 3
	my $last_element   = ('a', 'b', 'c');	# c

Always include parentheses after functions, even if there are no arguments.
There are some exceptions, such as list operators (like print) and unary
operators (like undef, delete, uc).

There is no space inside the parentheses, unless it is needed for

	for ( map { [ $_, 1 ] } @list )	# OK
	for ( @list )			# not really OK, not horrible

On multi-line expressions, match up the closing parenthesis with either
the opening statement, or the opening parenthesis, whichever works best.

	@list = qw(
	);			# right

	if ($foo && $bar && $baz
		 && $buz && $xyzzy
	) {
		print $foo;

Whether or not there is space following a closing parenthesis is
dependent on what it is that follows.

	print foo(@bar), baz(@buz) if $xyzzy;

Note also that parentheses around single-statement control expressions,
as in C<if $xyzzy>, are optional (and discouraged) C<if> it is I<absolutely>
clear -- to a programmer -- what is going on.  There is absolutely no
need for parentheses around C<$xyzzy> above, so leaving them out enhances
readability.  Use your best discretion.  Better to include them, if
there is any question.

The same essentially goes for perl's built-in functions, when there is
nothing confusing about what is going on (for example, there is only one
function call in the statement, or the function call is separated by a
flow control operator).  User-supplied functions must always include

	print 1, 2, 3;				# good
	delete $hash{key} if isAnon($uid);	# good

However, if there is any possible confusion at all, then include the
parentheses.  Remember the words of Larry Wall in the perlstyle manpage:

	When in doubt, parenthesize.  At the very least it will
	let some poor schmuck bounce on the % key in vi.

	Even if you aren't in doubt, consider the mental welfare
	of the person who has to maintain the code after you, and
	who will probably put parens in the wrong place.

So leave them out when it is absoutely clear to a programmer, but if
there is any question, leave them in.

=head2 Braces

(This is about control braces, not hash/data structure braces.)

There is always a space befor the opening brace.

	while (<$fh>){	# wrong
	while (<$fh>) {	# right

A one-line block may be put on one line, and the semicolon may be

	for (@list) { print }

Otherwise, finish each statement with a semicolon, put the keyword and
opening curly on the first line, and the ending curly lined up with the
keyword at the end.

	for (@list) {

Generally, we prefer "uncuddled elses":

	if ($foo) {
	else {

_If_ the if statement is very brief, sometimes "cuddling" the else makes code more readable. Feel free to cuddle them in that case:

	if ($foo) {
	} else {

=head2 Operators

Put space around most operators.  The primary exception is the for
aesthetics; e.g., sometimes the space around "**" is ommitted,
and there is never a space before a ",", but always after.

	print $x , $y;	# wrong
	print $x, $y;	# right

	$x = 2 >> 1;	# good
	$y = 2**2;	# ok

Note that "&&" and "||" have a higher precedence than "and" and "or". 
Other than that, they are exactly the same.  It is best to use the lower
precedence version for control, and the higher for testing/returning
values.  Examples:

	$bool = $flag1 or $flag2;	# WRONG (doesn't work)
	$value = $foo || $bar;		# right
	open(FILE, $file) or die $!;

	$true  = foo($bar) && baz($buz);
	foo($bar) and baz($buz);

Note that "and" is seldom ever used, because the statement above is
better written using "if":

	baz($buz) if foo($bar);

Most of the time, the confusion between and/&&, or/|| can be alleviated
by using parentheses.  If you want to leave off the parentheses then you
I<must> use the proper operator.  But if you use parentheses -- and
normally, you should, if there is any question at all -- then it doesn't
matter which you use.  Use whichever is most readable and aesthetically
pleasing to you at the time, and be consistent within your block of code.

Break long lines AFTER operators, except for "and", "or", "&&", "||".
Try to keep the two parts to a binary operator (an operator that
has two operands) together when possible.

	print "foo" . "bar" . "baz"
		. "buz";			# wrong

	print "foo" . "bar" . "baz" .
		"buz";				# right

	print $foo unless $x == 3 && $y ==
		4 && $z == 5;			# wrong

	print $foo unless $x == 3 && $y == 4
		&& $z == 5;			# right

=head2 Other

Put space around a complex subscript inside the brackets or braces.

	$foo{$bar{baz}{buz}};	# OK
	$foo{ $bar{baz}{buz} };	# better

In general, use single-quotes around literals, and double-quotes
when the text needs to be interpolated. 

It is OK to omit quotes around names in braces and when using
the => operator, but be careful not to use a name that doubles as
a function; in that case, quote.

	$what{'time'}{it}{is} = time();

When making compound statements, put the primary action first.

	open(FILE, $fh) or die $!;	# right
	die $! unless open(FILE, $fh);	# wrong

	print "Starting\n" if $verbose;	# right
	$verbose && print "Starting\n";	# wrong

Use here-docs instead of repeated print statements.

		print <<EOT;
	This is a whole bunch of text.
	I like it.  I don't need to worry about messing
	with lots of print statements and lining them up.

Just remember that unless you put single quotes around your here-doc
token (<<'EOT'), the text will be interpolated, so escape any "$" or "@"
as needed.


=head2 String extraction styleguide

=over 4

=item Web templates

Templates should use the /l filtering component to call the localisation

The string 		Foo!

Should become		<&|/l&>Foo!</&>

All newlines should be removed from localized strings, to make it easy to 
grep the codebase for strings to be localized

The string 		Foo
Should become		<&|/l&>Foo Bar Baz</&>

Variable subsititutions should be moved to Locale::MakeText format

The string		Hello, <%$name %>

should become		<&|/l, $name &>Hello, [_1]</&>	

Multiple variables work just like single variables
The string		You found <%$num%> tickets in queue <%$queue%>

should become		<&|/l, $num, $queue &>You found [_1] tickets in queue [_2]</&>

When subcomponents are called in the middle of a phrase, they need to be escaped

The string		 <input type="submit" value="New ticket in">&nbsp<& /Elements/SelectNewTicketQueue&>

should become		<&|/l, $m->scomp('/Elements/SelectNewTicketQueue')&><input type="submit" value="New ticket in">&nbsp;[_1]</&>

The string	<& /Elements/TitleBoxStart, width=> "40%", titleright => "RT $RT::VERSION for   $RT::rtname", title => 'Login' &>

should become 	<& /Elements/TitleBoxStart, 
			width=> "40%",
			titleright => loc("RT [_1] for [_2]",$RT::VERSION, $RT::rtname),
			title => loc('Login'),

=item Library code			

Within RT's core code, every module has a localization handle available through the 'loc' method:

The code 	return ( $id, "Queue created" );

should become 	return ( $id, $self->loc("Queue created") );	

When returning or localizing a single string, the "extra" set of parenthesis () should be omitted.

The code  	return ("Subject changed to ". $self->Data );

should become	 return $self->loc( "Subject changed to [_1]", $self->Data );

It is important not to localize  the names of rights or statuses within RT's core, as there is logic that depends on them as string identifiers.  The proper place to localize these values is when they're presented for display in the web or commandline interfaces.

=back 4


This is for new programs, modules, specific APIs, or anything else.

Contact for core team is the slashcode-development mailing list.

=over 4

=item Present idea to core team

We may know of a better way to approach the problem, or know of an
existing way to deal with it, or know someone else is working on it. 
This is mostly informal, but a fairly complete explanation for the need
and use of the code should be provided.

=item Present complete specs to core team

The complete proposed API to the core team should be submitted for
approval and discussion.  For web and command-line programs, present the
functionality and interface (op codes, command-lin switches, etc.).

The best way to do this is to take the documentation portion of the
boilerplate and fill it in.  You can make changes later if necessary,
but fill it in as much as you can.

=item Announce any changes to interface

If the way it works or how it is called is going to change, notify the core

=item Prepare for core review

When you are done, the code will undergo a code review by a member of
the core team, or someone picked by the core team.  This is not to
belittle you (that's just a nice side effect), it is to make sure that
you understand your code, that we understand your code, that it won't
break other code, that it follows the documentation and existing
proposal.  It is to check for possible optimizations or better ways of
doing it.

For members of the core team, one or more other members of the team will
perform the review.

Note that all code is expected to follow the coding principles and style
guide contained in this document.

=item Finish it up

After the code is done (possibly going through multiple code reviews),
if you do not have repository access, submit it to rt-<major-version>-bugs at fsck.com as a unified diff. From that point on, it'll be handled by someone with repository access.


=head1 Features

=head2 Callbacks

It's easy to overlay your own components on top of RT's HTML::Mason web         
UI by creating a component with the same name and dropping it in the            
"local" component root. Often though, what you really want to do is to          
drop your own bit of interface in the middle of an existing RT                  
component.  So you copy the component and drop in your own code.                
A month later, a new release comes out with a critical bugfix in the            
component you overrode. Every time an upgrade happens, you have to              
audit RT's code to make sure that none of your code will override               
the newly fixed component.  

And what if two different add-ons alter the same component?  I forsee a         
lot of diffing and patching in your future.                                     
At least that's the way it _used to work_.  RT 3.0's web interface              
now supports callbacks to stackable user-defined components.                    
within RT's HTML::Mason frontend, you'll see calls like this:                   
in /Ticket/Frob.html, you might see a line like:                                
<& /Elements/Callback, Name => 'foo', %ARGS &>                                  
This means that RT will look for any components that match the glob                        
and call them with the %ARGS passed to Frob.html                                
Some callbacks might additionally pass in other parameters, such as             
Ticket, Transaction or Queue.                                                   
As of this moment, there's only a single callback in the codebase. I            
expect them to proliferate like small woodland creatures. I'll be adding        
them as _I_ need them for other RT-related projects. If _you_ need a            
callback added to RT's codebase, send a unified diff as an attachment to        
a message describing the callback to rt-3.0-bugs at fsck.com. Callbacks            
don't really impact the codebase, so I'm willing to take them                   
"whenever," at my convenience.                                                  


Use rt-<major-version>-bugs at fsck.com for I<any> bug that is not
being fixed immediately.  If it is not in SourceForge.net, there
is a good chance it will be forgotten.

Send patches to rt-<major-version>-bugs at fsck.com, too.  Use C<diff
-u> for patches.

=head1 TO DO

Talk about DBIx::SearchBuilder

Talk about mason
        component style
        cascading style sheets
Talk about adding a new translation

Talk more about logging

=head1 CHANGES

        Adapted from Slash Styleguide by jesse - 20 Dec, 2002

=head1 VERSION


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