[rt-devel] Language detection bug

Autrijus Tang autrijus at autrijus.org
Thu Feb 6 07:48:55 EST 2003

On Thu, Feb 06, 2003 at 12:33:51PM +0100, THAUVIN Blaise (Dir. Informatique) wrote:
> I confirm something is broken in RT concerning language detection.
> I use IE6 on windows 2000.
> My language settings are [EN] and [FR], French being usually first.
> When connecting, RT seems to ignore the preference order I set. I get the
> french language whenever French is present in the list.

This is because 'en-us' is provided, instead of 'en'.  This is arguably wrong,
since there's no US-specific things in that lexicon -- maybe just mv
rt/lib/RT/I18N/en_us.po to en.po?

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