[rt-devel] RT language selection [Was: fsck.com RT instance Upgraded to 2.1.68]

Andrew Snare ASnare at allshare.nl
Thu Feb 6 10:42:04 EST 2003

At 03:37 PM 6/02/2003 +0100, Harald Wagener wrote:
>|HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE=de-de, ja;q=0.20, en;q=0.60, en-us;q=0.40, de;q=0.80
>Why japanese still is in there is beyond me, but being on a Mac at the 
>time being, I am bound to the system preferences (where I selected 
>german,english,us-english in that order).

Your list is equivalent to:

Ignoring the Japanese on the end, note that en-us will never be 'selected' 
because 'en' occurs higher in the list. I doubt this is intended.

>Safari is evil, but at least it recognizes some of the info. Chimera just 
>has no user configurable Language Acception stuff.

Getting waaaay off-topic here, but if Chimera uses the same preferences 
code as Mozilla, you can change the languages line in your prefs.js to 
something like:

         user_pref("intl.accept_languages", "en-au, en, nl");

Chimera is arguably broken if it's sending an Accept-Languages header but 
doesn't give you a way to alter the settings (according to the RFC).

This Accept-Language stuff is defined in RFC2616, Section 14.4.


  - Andrew

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