[rt-devel] initial report on rt 2.1.70 on debian

seph seph at directionless.org
Wed Feb 12 02:56:18 EST 2003

with some help from Jesse, I finally got rt running under debian. Most
of the dependencies are packaged, I didn't note the packages names
though, so you get to figure it out. I did have to build and install a
couple on my own. here are the commands I used:

  dh-make-perl --build --install --cpan Locale::Maketext::Lexicon
  dh-make-perl --build --install --cpan Locale::Maketext::Fuzzy
  dh-make-perl --build --install --cpan Text::Quoted
  dh-make-perl --build --install --cpan Regexp::Common

and while mailtools is built in debian, the version is old. (I'm sure
it will get updated, I was just impatient) I built a newer one:

  wget http://search.cpan.org/CPAN/authors/id/M/MA/MARKOV/MailTools-1.58.tar.gz
  tar xzf MailTools-1.58.tar.gz && cd MailTools-1.58
  dh-make-perl --build --install .

a couple of minor notes about the install:

  the 2.1.70 dependency check doesn't check for Regexp::Common, so
  make sure you have it. (yes best practical knows)

  the 2.1.70 dependency check checks incorrectly for Apache::DBI, it's
  apt to say you don't have it, when you probably do. This will
  probably be fixed when the next version of Apache::DBI is rolled.
  (yes best practical knows)

And now that it's up and running, I've noticed a couple oddities...

  fastcgi (with apache1, not apache2) is significantly slower than
  mod-perl. This is quite a change from rt2.

  If I create a user, seph, and give him full permissions; then create
  a new queue; the new ticket dropdown doesn't show that queue until I
  logout and log back in. I did not do as good a job debugging this as
  I ought.


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