[rt-devel] rt-mailgate in RT2 vs RT3

Vivek Khera khera at kcilink.com
Fri Feb 14 11:05:51 EST 2003

>>>>> "OW" == Odhiambo Washington <wash at wananchi.biz> writes:

OW> rt:   "|/opt/rt3/bin/rt-mailgate --queue cs --action correspond --url https://rt3.wananchi.com/"

What happens when you save a message as a text file, then run

/opt/rt3/bin/rt-mailgate --queue cs --action correspond --url https://rt3.wananchi.com/ < messagefile.txt

The messagefile.txt should include all the headers and such, as well,
just as if it was piped in from the mail server.

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