[rt-devel] Draft manual now available for public review

Jesse Vincent jesse at bestpractical.com
Wed Feb 26 01:44:26 EST 2003

As I said a few weeks ago:

> In the coming weeks, RT3's documentation set will be made available for
> public review online. The purporse of this review is to fine-tune
> the documentation set and make sure we're covering everything that needs
> to be covered.  Right now, we've got the Introduction up, as well as the
> glossary and a table of scrips. Have a read through what's there and
> send your feedback to doc-comments at bestpractical.com.

A substantially complete version of the RT3 Manual is now available for
public review. We invite your comments and questions. (Please send 'em
to: doc-comments at bestpractical.com)  If there seems to be anything
(besides the CLI) that we're missing, please drop us a line about what
you'd like to see added to the doc set.  If anything seems incorrect or
incomplete, we'd love to hear about it.

 The current drafts are made available to you for review only.
 They are Copyright 2003 Best Practical Solutions, LLC. At this time,
 redistribution is NOT permitted.  Drafts are available at:


http://www.bestpractical.com/rt  -- Trouble Ticketing. Free.

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