[rt-devel] Failure report : RT 2.0.60 / Data migration
Jesse Vincent
jesse at bestpractical.com
Tue Jan 21 19:04:05 EST 2003
RT 2.1.61 is up, which along with the 2to3 attached to this message
should let you get further. Oh. and the german and french translations
have been updated.
On Tue, Jan 21, 2003 at 11:14:35PM +0100, THAUVIN Blaise (Dir. Informatique FRP) wrote:
> Couldn't load principal to grant them ShowTicket globally
> $VAR1 = {
> 'PrincipalType' => 'Group',
> 'Name' => 'ShowTicket',
> 'Role' => 'Owner'
> };
> Blaise
»|« http://www.bestpractical.com/rt -- Trouble Ticketing. Free.
-------------- next part --------------
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
package RT;
use strict;
use Data::Dumper;
BEGIN {$RT::DontCacheSearchBuilderRecords = 1;}
use vars qw($dbh $debug);
$debug = 0;
my $import_users = 1;
my $import_groups = 1;
my $import_tickets = 1;
use lib ( "/opt/rt3/lib", "" );
use Getopt::Long;
use RT::Interface::CLI qw(CleanEnv GetCurrentUser GetMessageContent loc);
use RT::Tickets;
use RT::Template;
use RT::CustomFields;
use RT::Principals;
#*RT::Principal::HasRight = sub { 1 };;
#Clean out all the nasties from the environment
# Load the config file
#Connect to the database and get RT::SystemUser and RT::Nobody loaded
require shift @ARGV;
my $VAR1 = Data();
my $user_map;
my $group_map;
my $queue_map;
my $cf_map;
my @errors;
foreach my $scrip (@{$VAR1->{'Global'}->{'Scrip'}}) {
my $so = RT::Scrip->new($RT::SystemUser);
my $t = $scrip->{'Template'} || undef;
my $c = $scrip->{'Condition'} || undef;
my $a = $scrip->{'Action'} || undef;
$t =~ s/(.)([A-Z])/$1 $2/g;
$c =~ s/(.)([A-Z])/$1 $2/g;
$a =~ s/(.)([A-Z])/$1 $2/g;
$a =~ s/Admin Watchers/AdminCcs/;
$a =~ s/Requestor$/Requestors/;
my %params =
(Template => $t ,
ScripAction => $a,
ScripCondition => $c,
Description => "Imported from RT 2.0");
unless ($so->Id) {
push @errors, "Could not create scrip: ".Dumper($scrip);
if ($import_users) {
my $users = $VAR1->{'User'};
$RT::Handle->SimpleQuery("DELETE FROM Users where Name='root'");
foreach my $user ( @{$users} ) {
if ($user->{'Name'} eq 'Nobody') {
$user_map->{$user->{'id'}} = $RT::Nobody->Id;
if ($user->{'Name'} eq 'RT_System') {
$user_map->{$user->{'id'}} = $RT::SystemUser->Id;
# import user
my $user_obj = RT::User->new($RT::SystemUser);
delete $user->{'Disabled'};
my $old_id = $user->{'id'};
delete $user->{'id'};
$user->{'CryptedPassword'} = $user->{'Password'} unless ($user->{'Password'} =~ '^\*');
delete $user->{'Password'};
print "Creating $old_id - " . $user->{'Name'} . "\n";
$user_obj->Create( %{ $user } );
my $id = $user_obj->Id();
die "Failed to create user for" . Dumper $user unless ($id);
$user_map->{$old_id} = $id;
# find all groups
if ($import_groups) {
my $groups = $VAR1->{'Group'};
# foreach group
foreach my $group ( @{$groups} ) {
# create group
my $g = RT::Group->new($RT::SystemUser);
my $old_id = $group->{'id'};
delete $group->{'id'};
my $members = $group->{'Member'};
delete $group->{'Member'};
$g->CreateUserDefinedGroup( %{$group} );
my $id = $g->Id();
die "Failed to create group for" . Dumper $groups->{$group} unless ($id);
$group_map->{$old_id} = $id;
# import members
foreach my $member ( @{$members} ) {
print "Adding $member to ".$g->Id."\n";
$g->AddMember( $user_map->{ $member} );
#print scalar Dumper $groups;
# for global
# import custom fields
# import templates
# import acls
foreach my $right ( @{ $VAR1->{'Global'}->{'Right'} } ) {
my $princ = RT::Principal->new($RT::SystemUser);
my $id;
if ( $right->{'PrincipalId'} ) {
if ( $right->{'PrincipalType'} eq 'User' ) {
$id = $user_map->{ $right->{'PrincipalId'} };
else {
$id = $group_map->{ $right->{'PrincipalId'} };
$princ->Id || die "Couldn't load principal $id to grant them " . $right->{'Name'} . " globally\n" . Dumper($right);
elsif ( $right->{'Role'} ) {
my $g = RT::Group->new($RT::SystemUser);
$g->LoadSystemInternalGroup( $right->{'Role'} );
unless ($g->Id) {
$g->LoadSystemRoleGroup( $right->{'Role'} );
$id = $g->Id;
$princ = $g->PrincipalObj;
$g->Id || die "Couldn't load principal ".$g->Id." to grant them " . $right->{'Name'} . " globally\n" . Dumper($right);
$princ->GrantRight( Object => $RT::System,
Right => $right->{'Name'} );
foreach my $cf (@{$VAR1->{'Global'}->{'CustomField'}}) {
my $type;
my $cfobj = RT::CustomField->new($RT::SystemUser);
if ($cf->{'Single'}) {
$type = 'SelectSingle';
} else {
$type = 'SelectMultiple';
$cfobj->Create (Name => $cf->{'Name'}, Type => $type, Queue => '0');
unless ($cfobj->Id) {
die "Couldn't create custom field ".$cf->{'Name'};
$cf_map->{$cf->{'id'}} = $cfobj->Id;
foreach my $val (@{$cf->{'Value'}}) {
$cfobj->AddValue(Name => $val);
# find all queues in RT 2.0
# for each queue
$RT::Handle->SimpleQuery("DELETE FROM Queues where id = 1");
my $queues = $VAR1->{'Queue'};
foreach my $queue ( @{$queues} ) {
my %temp;
foreach my $attr qw(id CustomField Watchers Scrip Right) {
$temp{$attr} = $queue->{$attr};
delete $queue->{$attr};
my $queue_obj = RT::Queue->new($RT::SystemUser);
$queue_obj->Create( %{ $queue } );
my $id = $queue_obj->Id();
die "Failed to create queue for" . Dumper $queue unless ($id);
$queue_map->{$temp{'id'}} = $id;
foreach my $watcher (@{$temp{Watchers}}) {
foreach my $right ( @{ $temp{'Right'} } ) {
my $princ = RT::Principal->new($RT::SystemUser);
my $id;
if ( $right->{'PrincipalId'} ) {
if ( $right->{'PrincipalType'} eq 'User' ) {
$id = $user_map->{ $right->{'PrincipalId'} };
else {
$id = $group_map->{ $right->{'PrincipalId'} };
elsif ( $right->{'Role'} ) {
my $g = RT::Group->new($RT::SystemUser);
$g->LoadQueueRoleGroup( Type => $right->{'Role'},
Queue => $queue_obj->Id );
unless ( $g->Id ) {
$g->LoadSystemInternalGroup( $right->{'Role'} );
$id = $g->Id;
$princ = $g->PrincipalObj;
$princ->Id || die "Couldn't load principal $id to grant them " . $right->{'Name'} . " on queue " . $queue_obj->Name . "\n" . Dumper($right);
$princ->GrantRight( Object => $queue_obj,
Right => $right->{'Name'} );
foreach my $cf (@{$temp{'CustomField'}}) {
my $type;
my $cfobj = RT::CustomField->new($RT::SystemUser);
if ($cf->{'Single'}) {
$type = 'SelectSingle';
} else {
$type = 'SelectMultiple';
$cfobj->Create (Name => $cf->{'Name'}, Type => $type, Queue => $queue_obj->Id);
unless ($cfobj->Id) {
die "Couldn't create custom field ".$cf->{'Name'};
$cf_map->{$cf->{'id'}} = $cfobj->Id;
foreach my $val (@{$cf->{'Value'}}) {
$cfobj->AddValue(Name => $val);
foreach my $scrip (@{$temp{'Scrip'}}) {
$scrip->{'Template'} =~ s/(.)([A-Z])/$1 $2/g;
$scrip->{'Condition'} =~ s/(.)([A-Z])/$1 $2/g;
$scrip->{'Action'} =~ s/(.)([A-Z])/$1 $2/g;
$scrip->{'Action'} =~ s/Admin Watchers/AdminCcs/;
$scrip->{'Action'} =~ s/Requestor$/Requestors/;
my $so = RT::Scrip->new($RT::SystemUser);
$so->Create(Template => $scrip->{'Template'},
ScripAction => $scrip->{'Action'},
ScripCondition => $scrip->{'Condition'},
Description => "Imported from RT 2.0",
Queue => $queue_obj->Id );
unless ($so->Id) {
push @errors, "Could not create scrip: ".Dumper($scrip);
# import watchers
# import templates
# import acls
# import scrips
#Find all links
# for each ticke
if ($import_tickets) {
foreach my $ticket ( @{$VAR1->{'Ticket'}}) {
my %temp;
print "Importing ticket ".$ticket->{'id'} ."\n";
my $tick_object = RT::Ticket->new($RT::SystemUser);
$ticket->{'Status'} = 'deleted' if ( $ticket->{'Status'} eq 'dead' );
$ticket->{'Queue'} = $queue_map->{ $ticket->{'Queue'} };
$ticket->{'Owner'} = $user_map->{ $ticket->{'Owner'} };
$ticket->{'Creator'} = $user_map->{ $ticket->{'Creator'} };
$ticket->{'LastUpdatedBy'} = $user_map->{ $ticket->{'LastUpdatedBy'} };
$ticket->{'_RecordTransaction'} = 0;
foreach my $attr qw(Watchers Transaction CustomFields) {
$temp{$attr} = $ticket->{$attr};
delete $ticket->{$attr};
foreach my $watcher ( @{$temp{'Watchers'}} ) {
my $val;
$val = $watcher->{'Email'};
push ( @{ $ticket->{ $watcher->{'Type'} }}, $val );
foreach my $cf (keys %{$temp{'CustomFields'}}) {
my $cfid = $cf_map->{$cf};
$ticket->{'CustomField-'.$cfid} = $temp{'CustomFields'}->{$cf};
$tick_object->Create( %{$ticket} );
unless ( $tick_object->Id == $ticket->{id} ) {
die "Couldn't create ticket $ticket " . Dumper( $ticket);
# import ticket keywords
#import ticket transactions
foreach my $t ( @{$temp{Transaction}} ) {
print " transaction ".$t->{'id'} ."\n";
$t->{'ActivateScrips'} = 0;
if ( $t->{'Type'} eq 'Status' ) {
if ( $t->{'NewValue'} eq 'dead' ) {
$t->{'NewValue'} = 'deleted';
if ( $t->{'OldValue'} eq 'dead' ) {
$t->{'OldValue'} = 'deleted';
if ( $t->{'Type'} =~ /^AddWatcher$/ ) {
my $u = RT::User->new($RT::SystemUser);
$u->Load( $t->{'NewValue'} );
unless ( $u->Id ) {
$u->LoadByEmail( $t->{'NewValue'} );
unless ( $u->Id ) {
my $new_user = RT::User->new($RT::SystemUser);
my ( $Val, $Message ) = $new_user->Create(
Name => $t->{'NewValue'},
EmailAddress => $t->{'NewValue'},
RealName => $t->{'NewValue'},
Privileged => 0,
Comments => 'Autocreated when added as a watcher'
unless ($Val) {
$RT::Logger->error( "Failed to create user "
. $t->{'NewValue'} . ": "
. $Message );
# Deal with the race condition of two account creations at once
$new_user->LoadByEmail( $t->{'NewValue'} );
$u->Load( $new_user->PrincipalId );
$t->{'NewValue'} = $u->Id;
if ( $t->{'Type'} =~ /^DelWatcher$/ ) {
my $u = RT::User->new($RT::SystemUser);
$u->Load( $t->{'OldValue'} );
unless ( $u->Id ) {
$u->LoadByEmail( $t->{'OldValue'} );
unless ( $u->Id ) {
my $new_user = RT::User->new($RT::SystemUser);
my ( $Val, $Message ) = $new_user->Create(
Name => $t->{'OldValue'},
EmailAddress => $t->{'OldValue'},
RealName => $t->{'OldValue'},
Privileged => 0,
Comments => 'Autocreated when added as a watcher'
unless ($Val) {
$RT::Logger->error( "Failed to create user "
. $t->{'OldValue'} . ": "
. $Message );
# Deal with the race condition of two account creations at once
$new_user->LoadByEmail( $t->{'OldValue'} );
$u->Load( $new_user->PrincipalId );
$t->{'OldValue'} = $u->Id;
if ( $t->{'Type'} =~ /^(Force|Give|Take|Untake)$/ ) {
$t->{'OldValue'} = $user_map->{ $t->{OldValue} };
$t->{'NewValue'} = $user_map->{ $t->{NewValue} };
my $trans_obj = RT::Transaction->new($RT::SystemUser);
$t->{'Creator'} = $user_map->{ $t->{'Creator'} };
my $attach = $t->{'Attachment'};
delete $t->{'Attachment'};
$trans_obj->Create( %{ $t } );
unless ( $trans_obj->Id == $t->{'id'} ) {
die "Couldn't create trans ".$t->{'id'}." " . Dumper( $t);
foreach my $a (@{$attach}) {
my $att = RT::Attachment->new($RT::SystemUser);
print " attachment ".$att->Id ."\n";
unless( $att->Id) {
die "Couldn't create attachment $a " . Dumper( $a);
foreach my $link (@{$VAR1->{'Link'}}) {
my $l = RT::Link->new($RT::SystemUser);
$link->{'Base'} =~ s#/(.*?)/ticket/#/ticket/#;
$link->{'Target'} =~ s#/(.*?)/ticket/#/ticket/#;
my ($val, $msg) = $l->Create(Type=> $link->{'Type'},
Target => ($link->{'LocalTarget'} || $link->{'Target'}),
Base => ($link->{'LocalBase'} || $link->{'Base'})
unless ($l->Id ) {
if ($link->{'LocalBase'} != $link->{'LocalTarget'}) {
push (@errors, "Couldn't create link ".$msg.Dumper($link));
print join("\n", at errors);
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