[rt-devel] Re: Failure report: rt-2.1.59 on RedHat 8

Harald Wagener hwagener at hamburg.fcb.com
Thu Jan 23 04:24:19 EST 2003

Am Mittwoch, 22.01.03 um 17:38 Uhr schrieb Harald Wagener:

> Am Mittwoch, 22.01.03 um 17:21 Uhr schrieb Jesse Vincent:
>> What happens if you chmod -R 755 /opt/rt3/lib ?
> No change in behavior...

I had a closer look at the error again and saw some light in the error 
message Mason spits out (I left it out, thinking the raw error would 
suffice). The error is as follows:

|System error
|error:  Can't locate object method "LimitOwner" via package 
"RT::Tickets" at /|opt/rt3/share/html/Elements/MyTickets line 76.

On my system:
# grep -l "sub LimitOwner" /opt/rt3/lib/RT/*

Maybe that helps?


|277:  }
|279:  # All errors returned from this routine will be in exception 
|280:  local $SIG{'__DIE__'} = sub {
|281:  rethrow_exception( $_[0] );
|282:  };
|284:  #
|285:  # $m is a dynamically scoped global containing this
|code stack:  /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.0/HTML/Mason/Request.pm:281
Harald Wagener * FCB/Wilkens * An der Alster 42 * 20099 Hamburg

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