[rt-devel] New Installation Woes

Harald Wagener hwagener at hamburg.fcb.com
Thu Jul 10 04:29:10 EDT 2003

On Donnerstag, 10. Juli 2003, at 8:27 Uhr, D. Hageman wrote:

> Below is a message that I posted to rt-users a couple of days ago with 
> no
> response.  I have since setup rt 3.0.3 on a RedHat 9 box and have
> discovered the same issues.  Has anyone recently tried a clean install 
> with
> a similar setup?
> rt-users message:
> I have setup rt 3.0.3 on a clean installation of RedHat 7.3.  I am 
> using
> PostgreSQL 7.3.3, Perl 5.8.0, apache 1.3.27 and mod_perl 1.27  I have 
> all
> the latest modules updated via CPAN.

Remember to set the locale to a non-utf8-version, or some cpan modules 
will compile incorrectly. This can be done in
for the complete system.  Also, the RedHat provided perl 5.8.0 is built 
as multi threading, which is not recommended for production systems. My 
recommendation is to rebuild perl from scratch. Some of the 
RedHat-provided perl modules are known to be old and buggy/broken 
versions - Encode.pm was last weeks favorite on the rt mailing lists.

> It seems that no combination of username and password (not even 'root' 
> and
> 'password' ) allows me to log into the RT system.

This is related to the MD5 module provided with RedHat's perl. See the 
archives for details. My recommendation: Switch to a distribution that 
is usable on productive server systems. RHAS might be usable, but I 
won't shell out >1,000€ just to find out it does not cut my edge.


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