[rt-devel] Problems with Apache::Test

Jason Alexander lists at itsecurity3.its.uiowa.edu
Mon Jul 14 08:55:46 EDT 2003

Hello all,

I downloaded RT 3.0.4 and went to install it on a new install of redhat. 
  I ran the script to install the needed perl modules from CPAN but I 
keep having problems with Apache::Test.  It seems to build ok but
when it goes to perform it's tests it fails.

When it fails it says to look in the logs but the only thing there is a 
message saying it created a shared memory segment. I've gone in and put 
in the switch to the test asking for Verbous output but I don't seem to 
get much more.

This is on a clean install of Redhat 7.3 using CPAN and the modules 
install script.  I have tried it on two different installs of Redhat 7.3 
with the same resutls.  I am installing from the RPM's

Anyone else see this.


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