[rt-devel] [PATCH] Implement overriding global templates by queue templates with the same name

Anton Berezin tobez at tobez.org
Tue Jul 15 07:59:34 EDT 2003


The patch follows.  I am wondering about two things, though:

1. Whether the approach I've taken is sound, and
2. Whether this is something better left for user extensions.

As for (2), I am pretty sure this functionality belongs to the core RT,
since currently, as soon as a single queue requires a single slightly
customized template, one has to get rid of a global scrip (or several
global scrips), re-create identical scripts for each queue, and so on -
clearly too much trouble for a simple action.

What do you think?

--- rt-3-0-4.o/lib/RT/ScripAction_Overlay.pm	Sat Jul 12 10:24:37 2003
+++ rt-3-0-4/lib/RT/ScripAction_Overlay.pm	Tue Jul 15 13:52:43 2003
@@ -135,6 +135,8 @@ sub LoadAction  {
     my %args = ( TransactionObj => undef,
 		 TicketObj => undef,
 		 @_ );
+    $self->{_TicketObj} = $args{TicketObj};
     #TODO: Put this in an eval  
     $self->ExecModule =~ /^(\w+)$/;
@@ -168,6 +170,16 @@ sub TemplateObj {
 	require RT::Template;
 	$self->{'TemplateObj'} = RT::Template->new($self->CurrentUser);
+	if ($self->{'TemplateObj'}->__Value('Queue') == 0) {
+	    my $to = $self->{_TicketObj};
+	    my $tmptemplate = RT::Template->new($self->CurrentUser);
+	    my ($ok, $err) = $tmptemplate->LoadQueueTemplate(Queue => $to->Queue, Name => $self->{TemplateObj}->Name);
+	    if ($ok) {
+		# found the queue-specific template with the same name
+		$self->{TemplateObj} = $tmptemplate;
+	    }
+	}
@@ -206,6 +218,7 @@ sub Describe  {
 # {{{ sub DESTROY
 sub DESTROY {
     my $self=shift;
+    $self->{_TicketObj} = undef;
     $self->{'Action'} = undef;
     $self->{'TemplateObj'} = undef;

A topologist is someone who can't tell the difference between a donut
and a coffee cup.

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