[rt-devel] Create user with Lookupsenderinexternaldatabase and Sendermustexistinexternaldatabase

Senoner Samuel Samuel.Senoner at eurac.edu
Wed Jul 23 06:44:34 EDT 2003

I saw that in EmailParser.pm there is a GetCurrenUser wich checks te
But I made some tests and noticed, that when a new mail arrives the
getcurrentuser sub that is executed is only the one in MailFrom in
So the variable set in RT_SiteConfig.pm is useless.
1. Was this function used in an older version, and forgotten to move it
to MailFrom?
2. Could it be possible to insert this check in the new version?
3. What about to insert a RT::EmailExternalAuto, like the Web one, to
set if the new e-mail should create automatically a new account or not?
I another mail about this, but I don't know how much sense it makes if I
change the code for my version, and then upgrade my version to the new
one, and all settings are gone.
Thanks for any response.
Samuel Senoner
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