[rt-devel] rt2-to-rt3 status and RPM's for depenencies

mixo mixo at beth.uniforum.org.za
Wed Jun 4 05:22:51 EDT 2003

Phil Homewood wrote:

> [Please keep list discussion on the list. Thanks.]
> mixo wrote:
>> Well  'dumpfile-to-rt-3.0' requires rt3 to be installed locally, and 
>> 'rt-2.0-to-dumpfile' requires rt2.
> Correct.
>> Correct if I am wrong, but this means that one cannot export rt2 data 
>> from one machine to another
> You're wrong. Run rt-2.0-to-dumpfile on the machine with
> RT2 installed, copy the data over to the RT3 machine, and run 
> dumpfile-to-rt-3.0 there.
I stand corrected.

>> Total time taken for the export: 4 hours, 13 minutes
> I've seen worse.
Total time for import: 7 hours, 10 minutes

>>> That's why the importer has an incremental mode. Read the README.
>> Well, I just got the production dump, and its 24 Gigs ...
> You *really* want to make yourself familar with that incremental
> exporter, then.
I have seen the incremental  mode, which leads me to my next question: 
can the
initial data export (dump) be started in incremental mode? I am 
considering only
doing a dump from say the begining on this year, and using that instead. 
The plan
would be at the end of a certain period, like a year, do a dump of the 
db (using the
db's utils) and store it somwhere, after then do the incremental dump of 
the past
month (just an example) and do a fresh rt install with data for the past 
So in the end there would be an archive of rt for each in case there was 
ever a
need to refer to old data. Just a thought....

P.S Another thought :

Emails from rt-users and rt-devel lists don't have a 'reply-to' field, which
means some of us will accindentally reply to inviduals and not the lists as
the "reply" button in some email clients pick up  the "from" field if
the "reply-to" one doesnt exist. I 'm one of those poeple who clicks on 

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