[rt-devel] mason can't write to session_data directory?

Jamie Wilkinson jaq at spacepants.org
Thu Jun 5 18:54:07 EDT 2003

I upgraded to 3.0.3pre2 and most of it went smoothly (well, as much as one
can smoothlly upgrade from an installation in /opt into a built RPM... CPAN
was the real killer) so now I'm running rt 3.0.3pre2 with postgresql 7.3.2
(same as before) and apache 2.0.40 (same as before) and now using
mod_fastcgi instead of mod_perl (due to a world of pain I don't ever want to
be in again).

Now, SESSIONSTATEDIR and MASONSTATEDIR both live in /var/cache/rt, which is
owned by apache and group 'rt', and mode 777 (it began life as 770 but
changed when I got the error below), and yet now the web interface gives me
this error:

RT Couldn't write to session directory '/var/cache/rt/session_data':
DBD::Pg::st execute failed: execute on disconnected handle at
/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.0/Apache/Session/Store/Postgres.pm line 76


Check that this dir ectory's permissions are correct, at
/usr/share/rt/html/Elements/SetupSessionCookie line 60.

code stack:


So, it looked like it just didn't have permission to write state to
/var/cache/rt/session_data, so I rechecked that the directory was owned by
apache, and I've tried both combinations of making it group 'rt' and
'apache'.  It's now mode 777 so anyone can write to the directory, but still
that error's there.  Restarting the webserver after each change doesn't
affect this either.

The mailgate still works though, I have no problems replying to tickets via

jaq at spacepants.org                           http://spacepants.org/jaq.gpg

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