[rt-devel] misleading error

James O'Kane jo2y at midnightlinux.com
Sun Jun 8 10:59:39 EDT 2003

RT Couldn't write to session directory '/var/rt3/session_data': 
DBD::Pg::st execute failed: execute on disconnected handle at 
/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.0/Apache/Session/Store/Postgres.pm line 76.

I'm getting that error currently. The '/var/rt3/session_data' is a bit 
misleading because I thought session data was stored in the database by 
default unless you uncommented 
#Set($WebSessionClass , 'Apache::Session::File');

I start getting that error when the first ticket is created. I'm still 
trying to guess why it's happening, so if anyone has any guesses on that, 
send them my way.


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