[rt-devel] Tickets->LimitRequestor is deprecated

Jamie Wilkinson jaq at spacepants.org
Tue Jun 10 03:03:04 EDT 2003

I jsut got this message in the apache error log for my RT virtualhost:

FastCGI: server "/usr/bin/mason_handler.fcgi" stderr: [Tue Jun 10 06:49:44
2003] [error]: Tickets->LimitRequestor is deprecated, please rewrite call at
HTML::Mason::Commands - /usr/lib/rt/RT/Interface/Web.pm: 599
(/usr/lib/rt/RT/Tickets_Overlay.pm:1305), referrer:

Just fyi, looks like theres some sections of code that haven't been updated.

jaq at spacepants.org                           http://spacepants.org/jaq.gpg

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