[rt-devel] SpamAssassin email filter

Stephen Quinney stephen.quinney at computing-services.oxford.ac.uk
Tue Jun 17 09:13:35 EDT 2003

HI All,

I've just been looking at using the SpamAssassin filter in RT3.0.2,
"RT::Interface::Email::Filter::SpamAssassin". The documentation for
rt-mailgate and the code in the SpamAssassin module have got me
slightly confused so I was hoping someone could clarify things for me.

The rt-mailgate man page says about RT mail plugins: 

'The module is expected to provide a "GetCurrentUser" subroutine,
which takes a hash of several parameters:'

but the SpamAssassin module just has this code:

sub GetCurrentUser {
    my $item = shift;
    my $status = $spamtest->check ($item);
    return (0, undef) unless $status->is_spam();
    eval { $status->rewrite_mail() };
    if ($status->get_hits > $status->get_required_hits()*1.5) {
        # Spammy indeed
        return (-1, undef);
    return (0, undef);

so at no point is it using these parameters that are passed in as a
hash, according to the manpage. What's going on here?

I notice that the module, RT::Interface::Email::Auth::MailFrom does
implement the correct interface:

sub GetCurrentUser {
    my %args = ( Message     => undef,
                 CurrentUser => undef,
                 AuthLevel   => undef,
                 Ticket      => undef,
                 Queue       => undef,
                 Action      => undef,
                 @_ );

[rest of code snipped]

Is this in actual fact a bug?

Thanks in advance,

Stephen Quinney

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