[rt-devel] rt-mailgate bouncing with Encode.pm error

Jamie Wilkinson jaq at spacepants.org
Mon Jun 23 02:07:14 EDT 2003

This one time, at band camp, Robert Spier wrote:
>    - This is something coming from deep inside the guts of perl.
>      RT may be triggering it, but "blaming" RT for this kind of bug
>      isn't fair.  

Yeah, I can see that.  I'm not blaming anyone, I just want to work out
what's causing this so I can fix it.

>    - What is line 140 in your Encode.pm?  

The encode function:

    131 sub encode($$;$)
    132 {
    133     my ($name, $string, $check) = @_;
    134     $check ||=0;
    135     my $enc = find_encoding($name);
    136     unless(defined $enc){
    137         require Carp;
    138         Carp::croak("Unknown encoding '$name'");
    139     }
    140     my $octets = $enc->encode($string,$check);
    141     return undef if ($check && length($string));
    142     return $octets;
    143 }

>    - What version of Encode do you have installed?  You may wish to
>      upgrade to the latest one.  If you've just upgraded Encode, you
>      may wish to downgrade.

It's the version that comes with Red Hat, the $Id$ string at the top of the
file says:

      2 # $Id: Encode.pm,v 1.83 2002/11/18 17:28:29 dankogai Exp $

and the package version that owns this file:


>    - If you could make some of the problem emails available, it would
>      help.

I'll see if I can find a pattern; I don't think I would be able to republish
the emails.

jaq at spacepants.org                           http://spacepants.org/jaq.gpg

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