AW: [rt-devel] rt-2-1-88: real progress

Harald Wagener hwagener at
Fri Mar 14 10:05:41 EST 2003

Am Freitag, 14.03.03 um 15:56 Uhr schrieb Martin Schapendonk:

> # Just for the record: I have the same problem with commenting on 
> tickets
> # as well...
> Hi!
> Did you use InnoDB tables? I don't have the posting at hand, but I saw 
> an
> email from Jesse (today or yesterday) stating that you *MUST* use 
> InnoDB
> tables, since MyISAM causes a HUGE performance impact.

I *think* so. How do I find out after the fact? I do have some ib* 
files in /var/lib/mysql; in /var/lib/mysql/rt3,  there are *.frm files 
for all the tables in RT, except for sessions, which seems to be MyISAM 
files (sessions.MYD, sessions.MYI).


Harald Wagener * FCB/Wilkens * An der Alster 42 * 20099 Hamburg

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