[rt-devel] Re: RT 3.0.1 I18N patch proposal

Autrijus Tang autrijus at autrijus.org
Tue May 6 22:34:07 EDT 2003

On 2003-05-06 18:35:38, Remy Chibois wrote:
> This regexp is executed for each line of a multiline string since
> the very first regexp produces an array, thus it is not necessary to
> specify 'm'. In fact it should also work without 'g', given that it
> appears only once per line.

I see -- the //g indeed led me off the track.  I've changed it without
the trailing //g according to your description, so it reads:

    $trailing =~ s/\s?\t?$//;

I'll do some field tests with this set of changes today and tomorrow.

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