[rt-devel] rt2 to rt3 db conversion problems

justin m. clayton justincl at u.washington.edu
Tue May 13 19:13:59 EDT 2003

I got strange output during dump->rt3 conversion, and now it appears that
ticket content has been mixed up a bit (the ticket display page has the
correct body, but hitting "reply" indent-includes the wrong body from a
different ticket entirely). Here's the output of the conversion script:

Importing users
Importing groups
[Tue May 13 22:42:31 2003] [crit]: 1
[Tue May 13 22:42:31 2003] [crit]: Can't load a principal for id
[Tue May 13 22:42:31 2003] [crit]: 1
[Tue May 13 22:42:31 2003] [crit]: Can't load a principal for id
# Repeat last 2 lines 54 times each #
Importing tickets...t-1
# skip a bit, please
Importing links
Could not create scrip: On Status Notify AdminCcs with templateStatus Change inqueue0
Could not create scrip: On Create Autoreply To Requestors with templateV LS I  Autoreply in queue0
Could not create scrip: On Resolve Notify Requestors with templateV LS I Resolved in queue0

Those templates should be "VLSI Resolved", and so forth. It looks like
other things that didn't get imported properly include Keywords/Custom
Fields and Templates (and perhaps other things; I haven't taken a tour

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks,

Justin Clayton
VLSI Research System Administrator
University of Washington
Electrical Engineering Dept
justincl at u.washington.edu
206/543.2523  EE/CSE 307E

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