[rt-devel] RT Optimizations

Stanislav Sinyagin ssinyagin at yahoo.com
Tue May 20 10:39:09 EDT 2003

--- Robert Spier <rspier at pobox.com> wrote:
> Activating the MySQL Query Cache will help as well.
> set-variable    = query_cache_size=32M
> set-variable    = query_cache_type=1

This is supported in mysql 4.0.1, and we run 3.23.53.

Anyway, mysql daemon's CPU time is less than 20% of Apache's 

swamp:/usr/local/mysql # ps -Af | grep htt
    root  4354     1  0 16:36:17 ?        0:00 /usr/local/apache-1.3.27/bin/httpd -DSSL
   httpd  4355  4354  1 16:36:17 ?        0:01 /usr/local/apache-1.3.27/bin/httpd -DSSL
   httpd  4356  4354 22 16:36:17 ?        0:12 /usr/local/apache-1.3.27/bin/httpd -DSSL
   httpd  4358  4354  5 16:36:22 ?        0:04 /usr/local/apache-1.3.27/bin/httpd -DSSL
swamp:/usr/local/mysql # ps -Af | grep mysq
    root  4273     1  0 16:32:33 pts/2    0:00 /bin/sh /usr/local/mysql/bin/safe_mysqld
   mysql  4298  4273  0 16:32:33 pts/2    0:02 /usr/local/mysql/libexec/mysqld
--basedir=/usr/local/mysql --datadir=/data/wwwd

So, something has to be done to Perl code...

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