[rt-devel] Re: [rt-users] Remaining issues in RT 3.0.2's handling of international characters

Autrijus Tang autrijus at autrijus.org
Fri May 23 08:28:17 EDT 2003

On Fri, May 23, 2003 at 12:15:12PM +0200, Dirk Pape wrote:
> >handling international characters (like German Umlauts) in Emails or in
> >the Web-Interface.
> >
> >This is the only group of issues that make me hesitating in making RT 3
> >productive on my site.
> is there any hope that the international character handling issues will be 
> tracked to their cause or resolved soon.

Probably yes.  I just spent a whole day tracing RT (continued from
Jesse's whole day tracing), and found the bug.

The long story is too long so I'll not bother you with details.
Suffice to say that, in each .po file there is supposed to be a line:

    "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"

which corresponds to the msgid "".  Failure to specify the charset
will result in the dictionary be treated as encoded in ISO8859-1,
which is probably not most people want.

The French lexicon is broken in this way because it has a broken PO syntax.
The Hebrew lexicon is also broken.
The Dutch lexicon is also broken, and is not utf8-encoded anyway.

After fixing those three lexicons, I no longer see any problems in
the Web UI.  With this, I have also simplified the maketext model
a lot, and introduced @RT::LexiconLanguages to let people choose
a subset of available PO files, which can reduce both startup time
and memory consumption.

I have generated a diff against RT 3.0.2 from my current snapshot
(which contains more unrelated changes, in particular Attachment-
related transcoding logic that will get redone) for Jesse to merge.
Interested people may peek at it at:


I'll start testing UTF8 characters via the mail gateway now.

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