[rt-devel] Migrate from Postgres to MySQL

Michael van Elst mlelstv at dev.de.cw.net
Fri May 30 05:13:38 EDT 2003

On Fri, May 30, 2003, Ulrich Kiermayr wrote:

> Hi List,
> Since we also have performance Issues with Postgres and the initial 
> Reason why we used Postgres is not valid any more,
> is there a way to go from Postgres to MySQL without loosing information 
> and Tickets? (with rt3)?

You can copy the table contents almost directly. Postgres uses sequences
to generate primary keys while Mysql uses its auto_increment feature, so
you have to fix the result somewhat.

Going mysql->postgres is slightly more expensive if you have binary
attachments as Postgres doesn't like to store NUL-Bytes.

On a related topic: did anybody profile RT ?

On my system (PIII 550MHz) the perl code eats about 60% of the CPU
while Postgres only accounts for the remaining 30%. Creating a new
ticket takes 1.5-2 seconds and is CPU-bound.

Going to mysql 'should' only help for these 30% unless there is
very inefficient Postgres specific code in RT.

    ,eM""=.            a"-.                         Michael van Elst
   dWWMWM" -          :GM==;                        mlelstv at dev.de.cw.net
  :WWMWMw=--.          "W='  cable & wireless
    "-Wmw-"  CABLE & WIRELESS

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