[rt-devel] Time difference between certain transaction types

rt-devel rt-devel at lists.netways.de
Fri May 30 10:31:25 EDT 2003

Hi list,

for reporting I am trying to get time differences between certain transaction types, e.g. I would like to know the time between "Take" and "stalled" or "resolved". Right now, I do the following, but it produces negative results, when a ticket is stalled first and taken later. Maybe someone knows a solution that respects the order :-)

# define minutes
my $seconds = 0;
my $minutes = 0;
my $start;
my $end;
# Get all transactions of this ticket
my $Transactions = $self->Transactions;
# order by created timestamp
$Transactions->OrderBy(FIELD => 'Created', ORDER => 'ASC');
# loop through all of them
while (my $Transaction = $Transactions->Next) {
  if ($Transaction->Type eq "Take") {
    $start = $Transaction->CreatedObj;
  if ($Transaction->NewValue eq "stalled" || $Transaction->NewValue eq "resolved") {
    $end = $Transaction->CreatedObj;
  if ($start && $end) {
    $seconds += $end->Diff($start);
    $start = undef;
    $end = undef;
  # Get minutes and round
  $minutes = int($seconds / 60);


Julian Hein                   NETWAYS GmbH
Managing Director             Deutschherrnstr. 47a
Fon.0911/92885-0              D-90429 Nürnberg
jhein at netways.de              www.netways.de     

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