[rt-devel] PATCH: Setting custom fields in templates

Graeme Pyle graeme at raspberry.co.za
Mon Nov 3 12:07:32 EST 2003

Hi folks,

I found that RT 3.0.6 was unable to set custom fields from templates
because the regular expression used to match the key in the template
included a dash '-', which is automatically removed when the template is

For example, you include "CustomField-3: hoohaa" in your template, but
RT strips the key to "customfield3" and not "customfield-3".

So, line 457 in "lib/RT/Action/CreateTickets.pm"

$key =~ /^customfield-(\d+)$/ or next;

should read

$key =~ /^customfield(\d+)$/ or next;

instead (dash removed).


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