[rt-devel] Numeric values for Requestors

Phil Homewood pdh at snapgear.com
Wed Nov 5 18:36:44 EST 2003

Matt Disney wrote:
> Whenever we put in a ticket with a value of "3" for Requestors, all the 
> Users within RT were added as Requestors for that ticket. Putting the 
> numbers 1 and 2 instead result in no Requestors being added. The number 
> 4 adds a shorter list of Requestors than the number 3, while the number 
> 5 does apparently the same thing as 3. But 6 is okay. The number 100 
> resulted in one of the Users being added as the Requestor, but not the 
> user with the ID 100. Putting in "3 at 3" does the Right Thing by making 
> "3 at 3" a Requestor.
> Would anyone consider this expected behavior? If so, how?

Heh. Yes, in a bizarre way. It's loading the requestor by
Principal ID, and a principal can be a group as well as a
user. In particular:

| id | PrincipalType | Type     |
|  3 | Group         | Everyone |

Bug? Feature? I'm not sure. :^)
Phil Homewood, Systems Janitor, http://www.SnapGear.com
pdh at snapgear.com Ph: +61 7 3435 2810 Fx: +61 7 3891 3630
SnapGear - Custom Embedded Solutions and Security Appliances

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